A-Z Site Index

International Law

United Nations Treaty Collection
The United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTC) is a global portal providing on-line access to comprehensive information relating to the work of the Treaty Section. The Collection is divided into the following key sections: Depositary of Treaties, Registration & Publication, Resources, Training, Treaty Events.

Audiovisual Library of International Law
The Office of Legal Affairs launched this virtual training and research centre in international law:
The Historic Archives provides a unique resource for the teaching, studying and researching significant legal instrument on international law. Each entry is devoted to a particular instrument and contains an introduction to the instrument prepared by an eminent international law scholar or practitioner with special expertise on the subject, information on its procedural history and related documents, as well as the text and status of the instrument. It is accompanied by audiovisual materials, as available, relating to the negotiation and adoption of the instrument at meetings or diplomatic conferences.
The Lecture Series contains a permanent collection of lectures of enduring value on virtually every subject of international law given by leading international law scholars and practitioners from different regions, legal systems, cultures and sectors of the legal profession.
The Research Library provides an extensive online library of international law materials, including treaties, jurisprudence, documents, legal publications, research guides and selected scholarly writings, as well as international law training materials.

The United Nations Rule of Law Website and Document Repository
The United Nations Rule of Law Website is a promotional and educational tool for practitioners and the general public. It seeks to inform users about the UN’s work in the field of rule of law, and its efforts to coordinate and strengthen system-wide approaches in this field. It is the central UN rule of law web-based resource, serving as a gateway to the rest of the UN’s related sites, and making information more widely accessible about UN rule of law issues and activities, and the various tools, documents and materials on the subject. The website is also an avenue for users to access other web resources on or related to rule of law, developed by the UN or external organizations.

Electronic Legal Resources on International Terrorism
(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Terrorism Prevention Branch)
This site aims to provide comprehensive and accurate legal information on the steps taken by the international community and individual countries in the fight against international terrorism. Stored data are accessible in full-text, and provide up-to-date information on counter-terrorism conventions, resolutions, and national criminal laws worldwide. Model laws, legislative guides, and other legal tools can also be accessed to assist national authorities in setting up the structures and adopting the legislation necessarry to implement  the global legal framework against terrorism.

TRACK – “Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge” (UNODC)
“Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge” (TRACK) is a central platform of anti-corruption and asset recovery information that was developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the support of the World Bank, Microsoft and other TRACK partner institutions. The TRACK website has three main components:
1. Legal Library related to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
2. Anti-corruption learning platform
3. Collaborative space for registered partner institutions and anti-corruption practitioners

SHERLOC – Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws On Crime (UNODC)
The SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws On Crime) knowledge management portal was developed by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its three Protocols. The SHERLOC portal hosts a Case Law Database, the Database of Legislation, the Bibliographic Database, the Directory of Competent National Authorities (CNA Directory), the Legislative Guide and a News and Events section.

Cybercrime Repository (UNODC)
In 2015 UNODC under the framework of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) launched the cybercrime repository, a central database of legislation, case law and lessons-learned on cybercrime and electronic evidence. The cybercrime repository aims to assist countries in their efforts to prevent and effectively prosecute cybercriminals.

Access to legal information on intellectual property from around the world
The WIPO Lex Database is organized into three collections, consisting of intellectual property (IP) laws and regulations, WIPO-administered treaties and IP‑related treaties, and IP judgments.

Unified Court Records Database (UCR)
The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) launched on 1 September 2020 a new Unified Court Records database (UCR), which for the first time brings together all public judicial records of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the Mechanism.
The UCR provides integrated and enhanced public access to a wide array of records from these three institutions, including indictments, trial transcripts, motions, orders, decisions and judgements, as well as public evidence admitted in court and audiovisual recordings of hearings.
In addition, the UCR has been designed to facilitate legal research by enabling searches across ICTR, ICTY and Mechanism records. The new search function allows users to better tailor their research according to their specific requirements. Users can search for materials in a more targeted way by selecting multiple cases, searching the full text or title of the records, or searching by other information such as date filed or admitted, accused name, document type, case name and case number. Among other features, the UCR also includes the ‘’Recent Court Records’’ function, which displays the latest 50 court records that have been added to the database.
Records in the UCR will be updated on a regular basis, and users are invited to provide feedback on the functionality of the UCR. Other judicial records databases currently maintained by the Mechanism, including the ICTY Court Records (ICR) and Judicial Records and Archives Database (JRAD) will gradually be discontinued.
The UCR is accessible at the link ucr.irmct.org with prior registration for first-time users. In addition to English, the UCR is also available in Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, French, Kinyarwanda and Macedonian.

InforMEA: Access information on Multilateral Environmental Agreements
InforMEA provides easy access to information on MEAs. You can consult treaty texts and provisions of decisions and resolutions adopted by the Governing Bodies of MEAs. You may browse Party information including contacts, national reports and national plans submitted under MEAs. Feel free to learn of terms and concepts as defined in the context of MEAs and consider taking one of over 20 free online courses introducing MEAs. Don’t forget to use the explorer field to search across all this information and further filter and refine results.
Watch the video to learn more about the role of each MEA from its Secretary. You will also have a chance to learn more on InforMEA. Please click here

Labour Provisions in Trade Agreements Hub
The Labour Provisions in Trade Agreements Hub (LP Hub) from the International Labour Organization (ILO) is a comprehensive, structured compilation of the text of labour provisions in more than 100 bi- and pluri-lateral regional trade agreements (RTAs), which engage about 140 economies. It provides the main data source for information, research, and comparative legal analysis of labour provisions. As such, the Hub is continuously evolving to include additional sources of information and reflect developments of labour provisions in RTAs.

UN Databases