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Speed – In Search of Lost Time

by Florian Opitz

Speed, in search of time - film poster
Runtime: 97′

It’s a paradox. Never before in history have we worked so efficiently. Never before have we saved so much time with such sophisticated technology. Many of us are feeling the increased pressure of time. It seems that the same technology that was invented to make our lives better and easier, is now enslaving us.

Do you not have enough time for your family, friends and hobbies? The feeling of constantly playing “catch-up” and being under time constraints led director Florian Opitz to seek the causes of this problem in modern society as well as possible solutions.

The film was followed by a Q/A, with:

  • Dr. Dirk Geldof, author of “Unspeeding”
  • Prof. Mark Elchardus, from the Vrije University of Brussels
  • Ms. Moraig Henderson, Deputy Director UNDP Brussels

UN Cinema News


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