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UN COVID-19 Data Hub
This section makes data relevant to COVID-19 response readily available as geospatial data web services, suitable for the production of maps and other data visualizations and analyses, and easy to download in multiple formats.

COVID-19 Response – Web portal for the statistical community (UN DESA)
This website provides a space for the global statistical community to share guidance, actions, tools and best practices to ensure the operational continuity of data programmes by National Statistical Offices, and to address issues of open and timely access to critical data needed by governments and all sectors of society to respond to the global COVID-19 crisis.

Data Futures Platform (UNDP)
The Data Futures Platform brings together data from the UN system and partners to advance integrated development solutions in support of the 2030 Agenda. The platform includes raw data sets, simulators and actionable insights, allowing users to both run their own estimation and access relevant analyses to inform policies, programmes and advocacy efforts. Powered by UNDP, this one-stop shop for multidimensional analyses features unique opportunities for collaboration around strategies and solutions that seek to build back better.


COVID-19 Situation in the WHO European Region – WHO/Europe Dashboard
WHO/Europe launched its Public Health and Social Measures (PHSM) Severity Index on 10 November 2020 to provide standardized data on the ways in which countries in the WHO European Region have sought to slow or stop community spread of COVID-19. This latest tool systematically captures and analyses individual governmental PHSM responses to COVID-19 in the 53 countries of the Region. The PHSM Severity Index is integrated into WHO/Europe’s COVID-19 Dashboard, which allows quick visualization of the most up-to-date COVID-19 statistics and information pertinent to each country in the Region. It captures 6 types of public health measures: the wearing of masks; closure of schools; closure of offices, businesses, institutions and operations; restrictions on gatherings; restrictions on domestic movement; and limitations to international travel.

EPIC Tracker – Evidence, Policy, and Interventions for COVID-19 Tracker
The UNU Evidence, Policy, and Interventions for COVID-19 Tracker (UNU EPIC Tracker) is an inventory of the public health, economic, social and community measures taken to address COVID-19 across all countries. These measures include government policies and public sector interventions whose impacts are felt across all levels of society. A living platform, the EPIC Tracker will be regularly updated to include new policies, to reflect country responses, and to integrate other sources of data.

UN-Habitat COVID-Readiness 19 and Responsiveness tracker platform
Over 2,500 cities and urban areas have been affected by COVID-19 and collecting data on their preparedness and response is key to ending the pandemic. UN-Habitat is launching an innovative tracker platform to assess how ready the world’s cities were for the COVID-19 pandemic and how they have coped with its arrival. The city-based COVID-19 Readiness and Responsiveness tracker platform uses global metrics to provide critical and often unavailable information from cities around the world. The tracker provides information that is critical for protecting populations and informing resilience and recovery strategies and future responses to global pandemics.

Global monitoring of school closures caused by COVID-19 (UNESCO)
Throughout the pandemic, in close cooperation with ministers of education, UNESCO monitored the evolution of school closures around the world. Data presented in the interactive map show the evolution from February 2020 to July 2022.

COVID-19 Global Education Recovery Tracker
The purpose of the COVID-19 Global Education Recovery Tracker is to capture ongoing information about the global status of schools, teachers and students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This information is intended to be of use for education and public health policy stakeholders and researchers from around the world. In this second year of the pandemic, and as many countries are starting to move from emergency responses towards policies aimed for recovery, the tracker aims to support this process by focusing on data that can help build back better and more resilient education systems.
This tracker is the result of a partnership between the Johns Hopkins University eSchool+ Initiative, the World Bank, and UNICEF.

UNHCR COVID-19 Platform – Temporary Measures and Impact on Protection
During this pandemic and in its aftermath, we are all vulnerable but those marginalized, including refugees and others forcibly displaced, are more severely impacted and face particular protection concerns. Wile Governments around the world adopt measures to protect public health, fundamental principles of refugee and human rights laws are at times challenged. This temporary platform is an evidence-based tool to support Governments in these efforts, by informing sound policy and decision-making during and in the immediate aftermath of this crisis. In line with the vision of the Global Compact on Refugees, it also aims at supporting the identification of areas where technical and financial support might be needed to ensure that the pandemic does not disproportionately impact refugees and other forcibly displaced. As a live platform, the data is updated biweekly as changes occur on the ground and/or better information becomes available.

Africa UN Knowledge Hub for COVID-19
The Africa UN Knowledge Hub for COVID-19 was developed by the UN Development System in Africa and is acting as a one-stop-shop on information and resources relevant to Africa on the pandemic. The Hub harnesses information and resources from credible sources, including WHO, regional UN agencies, Ministries of health of African governments and credible news channels amongst others.

UNCTAD COVID-19 Response Portal
The global economy’s uneven recovery from COVID-19 continues and the unequal distribution of vaccines will affect countries’ abilities to recover from the crisis, UNCTAD warned on 4 May 2021 in a new portal tracking the pandemic’s impact on trade and development. The portal seeks to enhance policymakers’ understanding of the wide-ranging impact of the pandemic and help them design suitable recovery policies.

COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard (UNICEF)
As the designated COVAX procurement coordinator and procurement agent, UNICEF has launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard on 21 December 2020 – an interactive tool for countries, partners and industry to follow the developments of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 vaccine market and the efforts of the COVAX Facility to ensure fair and equitable access for every country in the world. In this first release, the dashboard provides a regularly updated overview of the global research and development pipeline, the projected production capacity, publicly announced bilateral and multilateral supply agreements, as well as reported price points.

Task Force on COVID-19 Vaccines, Therapeutics, and Diagnostics
The International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, World Health Organization and World Trade Organization have joined forces to accelerate access to COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics by leveraging multilateral finance and trade solutions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
The aim is to vaccinate at least 40 percent of people in every country by the end of 2021, and at least 60 percent by mid-2022. The effort will track, coordinate, and advance delivery of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, working with governments and partners at the global and local levels to address finance and trade barriers to ensure that vulnerable populations have access to these life-saving tools. It supports the goals of the ACT-Accelerator and complementary initiatives.
The Task Force members are mobilizing critical financing, with a focus on grants and concessional lending; helping to remove barriers to export and import of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics; and supporting more production, including in low- and middle-income countries. The Task Force is calling on countries to share at least 1 billion vaccine doses with developing countries during 2021.
Through this web site, which includes a global database and country-by-country data dashboards, the Task Force is tracking and monitoring specific global and country-level gaps to support faster and more targeted solutions to accelerate access to COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and tests in developing countries.

Vaccination Demand Observatory
Together with UNICEF, the Vaccination Demand Observatory unites experts from multiple sectors to support global communities with increased vaccine demand and reduce the impact of misinformation.

WTO-IMF COVID-19 Vaccine Trade Tracker
The World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) launched on 22 November the WTO-IMF COVID-19 Vaccine Trade Tracker, a new database aimed at providing greater transparency on the cross-border flow of COVID-19 vaccines. The portal provides data on the trade and supply of vaccines by product, country and arrangement type. The new platform builds on the work of the WTO Secretariat information notes on COVID-19 and world trade and the IMF Staff Discussion Note — A Proposal to End the COVID-19 Pandemic. The portal provides an array of data on total vaccine supply to date, exports by producing economy and by supply arrangement type, imports by income group and by continent, supply by manufacturing economy and vaccine type, supply to continents and vaccination status. The vaccine tracker draws information from the public domain, the COVAX Global Vaccine Market Assessment, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Duke Global Health Innovation Center, Airfinity, Our World in Data, the World Bank Group, the Asian Development Bank and the African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team (AVATT). The data contained in the tracker is preliminary and will be subject to revisions in collaboration with countries and areas, suppliers, and immunization, health and financing partners. Updates will be provided every month to reflect latest developments.

Further information:
UNRIC Library Backgrounder: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)


UN Databases