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Bring the Sun Home

by Chiara Andrich and Giovanni Pellegrini

Bring the Sun Home film poster
Runtime: 67′

Illiterate women from villages around the world with no electricity attend a course to learn how to make solar panels in India. They don’t speak English but they are determined to learn the technology. Those who have completed the course have returned to their villages and brought the sun home to more than 300,000 people. The film was directed by Chiara Andrich and Giovanni Pellegrini.

The film will be followed by a Q&A with guest speakers:

  • Lucia Gotti Venturato, Producer of the film
  • Antonella Santilli, Head of Sustainability of Enel Green Power
  • Thierry Lucas, Coordinator of the Biodiversity and the Ecosystems Management Subprogramme, United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

UN Cinema News


Ciné-ONU screening of “Raise the Bar” to mark the International Day of the Girl Child

9 October - To mark the International Day of the Girl Child, the United Nations, the European Week of Action for Girls' Coalition, the Embassy of Iceland and the European Commission present "Raise the Bar", by Gudjon Ragnarsson.

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