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UNGA78: Discorso del Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite all’Assemblea Generale



New York, 19 September 2023

[Trilingual, as delivered]

El discurso de odio, la desinformación y las teorías de la conspiración en las redes sociales se propagan y amplifican mediante IA, socavando la democracia y alimentando la violencia y los conflictos en la vida real.

La vigilancia en la red y la recolección de datos están facilitando abusos de los derechos humanos a gran escala.

Y las empresas tecnológicas y los gobiernos están lejos de encontrar soluciones.


We must move fast and mend things.

New technologies require new and innovative forms of governance – with input from experts building this technology and from those monitoring its abuses.

And we urgently need a Global Digital Compact — between governments, regional organizations, the private sector and civil society — to mitigate the risks of digital technologies, and identify ways to harness their benefits for the good of humanity.

Some have called for consideration of a new global entity on AI that could provide a source of information and expertise for Member States.

There are many different models — inspired by such examples as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Civil Aviation Organization or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The UN stands ready to host the global and inclusive discussions that are needed, depending on the decisions of Member States.

To help advance the search for concrete governance solutions, I will appoint this month a High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence – which will provide recommendations by the end of this year.

Next year’s Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for progress to deal with these new threats, in line with the vision of the UN Charter.

Member States will decide how to move forward on the New Agenda for Peace, the Global Digital Compact, reforms to the international financial architecture, and many other proposals to address challenges and bring greater justice and equity to global governance.


The United Nations was created precisely for moments like this – moments of maximum danger and minimum agreement.

We can and must use our tools in flexible and creative ways.

Last month, we saw the dividends of determination off the coast of Yemen.

Carrying one million barrels of oil, the decaying FSO Safer supertanker was a ticking time bomb — a looming ecological disaster in the Red Sea.

But no one offered to solve the problem.

So, the United Nations stepped in and brought the world together.

We mobilized resources, assembled the experts, navigated difficult negotiations and built trust.

We have more work ahead – and more resources are needed.

But last month, the oil was successfully transferred from the Safer.

This UN-led action saved the Red Sea.

When no one else could or would, UN determination got the job done.

Despite our long list of global challenges, that same spirit of determination can guide us forward.

Let us be determined to heal divisions and forge peace.

Determined to uphold the dignity and worth of every person.

Determined to realize the Sustainable Development Goals and effectively leave no one behind.

Determined to reform multilateralism for the 21st century and come together for the common good.

Thank you.


