17 Ott – Situation Overview
A reported number of approximately 160,000 people have been displaced (IDPs) due to Turkey’s military operation into the northeast of Syria that started on 9th October 2019. Populations are moving from Tel-Abyad, Ras-El-Ain, Ain Issa, Suluk and surrounding areas and are displaced to communities within Al-Hassakeh, Ar-Raqqa, and Deir-ez-Zor governorates. The mobility dynamics of the displaced people are currently very fluid and unpredictable as IDPs continue to change their location in desperate search of refuge. Hundreds of thousands more people may be displaced in the coming days and weeks if the military operations continue and the security situation further deteriorates. With the displaced masses seeking refuge in shelters, camps as well as in already vulnerable host communities, the humanitarian response needs to target multiple displacement locations while the human capacity for the provision of specialized GBV and RH services, already strained by the protracted humanitarian crisis, is further exerted beyond capacity.
Immediate Response
Gender Based Violence (GBV):
● UNFPA has deployed IP personnel and is currently providing GBV services through a mobile team (MT) in the Al-Ameria area. In addition, specialized GBV personnel has been deployed to Al-Hassakeh city and Tal Tamer to provide services as per needs on the ground through mobile teams.
● 30,330 protection kits and 55,000 sanitary napkins are being delivered by 15 trucks.
● Through Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces (WGSS), GBV MTs have intensified efforts in the
distribution of dignity/hygiene kits for the most vulnerable population and affected women and girls.
● Beneficiaries reached: 1,224
● Women and girls Safe Spaces (WGSS): 4
● RH\GBV integrated Mobile team: 26
● Kits distributed: 560
● Sanitary Napkins distributed: 516
Reproductive Health (RH)
● Through medical MTs, UNFPA has reached beneficiaries in 5 shelters located in Al-Hassakeh, including beneficiaries in Tal Tamer and Rural Tal tamer. RH services are also being provided through static clinics to the population in NES including IDPs in host communities.
● Beneficiaries reached: 2,102
● RH static clinics: 17
Next in the response:
● A total of 42,670 kits to arrive and be distributed and expected to reach the NES in one week.
● 169,000 sanitary napkins to be distributed in the affected areas expected to reach NES in one week.