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UNESCO, AICS e MAECI: Contenuti multimediali e artistici per facilitare l’accesso alle informazioni sulla migrazione

UNESCO, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and journalists / slammers work out strategies for media and artistic contents production and dissemination.

On September 28 to 30 in Douala some 25 journalists, slammers and youths representing the National Youth Council of Cameroon discussed ways of producing media and artistic contents on migration and access to information on migration. The issue at stake was how journalists and slammers could act towards effective production and dissemination of contents on migration.

Discussions evolved around sources of information and their reliability, access to information on migration through songs and Radio/TV/Web reports. An exposé on media/artistic content production for sensitization pointed out the need to focus on the target and the project’s objective while producing videos/audios or composing slams  to appeal to the recipients of the disseminated message, mostly young people. It was thus agreed that content’s production should include field realities to sound convincing; make use of all youth appeals (tone, images, lyrics, sound etc.) to grasp audience; dissemination should be carefully planned through promotion before dissemination on mostly prominent media (online and offline) at convenient slots with expected high audience.

Participants watched sample videos of Radio/TV/Web report and slam clips, listened to some slams teasers and were able to correct the tone, lyrics, the videos’ shooting scenes, and advised on the casting of interviewee for the videos. In that light, the experience of Carole YEMELONG, one of the project’s investigative reporters, came as an eye-opener to the journalists as it greatly exemplified field challenges in shooting on migration and accessing information.

Testimonies of two returnee migrants froze the atmosphere as they told the stories of migration risks and atrocities notably kidnapping, killing, rape and torture. Mrs. NJANJO, in tears, told her story in the cell in Libya, to evidence the maltreatment of female migrants in the course of migration.
