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Appello urgente all’azione sulla scarsità d’acqua alla “Risorsa idrica: dalle Dolomiti al mare – Edizione 2023”

UNESCO: Water scarcity is a challenge that affects ecosystems all around the world, but particularly in mountain environments where rising temperatures are a serious threat; effects such as melting glaciers, diminishing snow cover during winter months and extreme weather phenomena are intensifying. It is therefore imperative not only to study the evolution of mountain areas over time, but also to raise awareness on the value of water resources. Priority must be given to making progress towards SDG 6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aims to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.

The 2022 edition of ‘The Water Resource: from the Dolomites to the sea’ focused on the need to promote sustainable water management. Led by the Municipality of Venice, this year’s edition was held over 3 days under the theme ‘adaptation synergies’, bringing together experts, scientists and academic professionals to discuss best practices and possible ways to adapt to water-related challenges. Collaboration and cooperation are key steps towards preserving this precious resource.

Among the co-organisers of the event were: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe; Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISMAR); Club Alpino Italiano (CAI); CAI Mestre branch; Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO; Teatro La Fenice; Europe DIRECT Venezia Veneto; Consorzio di Bonifica Acque Risorgive; and, Consorzio dei Comuni del Bacino Imbrifero Montano del Fiume Piave for the province of Venice.

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