Partecipa anche tu al Quiz per la Giornata Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite sulla piattaforma Kahoot!
Ecco il link per partecipare:
We have two quizzes
1) For a General Audience/Older Students
2) for Quiz for Children/Young Audience
Both can be accessed and played directly by clicking on the quiz links in the social media cards and the email message.
- Quiz for General Audience/Older Students
UN Day game for general/older student audience
UN Day game link:
or Kahoot app game code: 03658224
- Quiz for Children/Young Audience
UN Day game for children/young audience
UN Day game link:
or Kahoot app game code: 03142828
Note: Players who want to take the quiz don’t need to sign up accounts, they can play the game straight from the link, either from computers or mobiles. No cost is involved.
Quizzes are a fun way to learn about the UN – over 30,000 players have already taken the UN Day Kahoot quiz since we launched yesterday.