“Dobbiamo salvare il nostro oceano per proteggere il nostro futuro”. – Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite António Guterres
Che cosa?
L’Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile 14 riguarda la conservazione e l’utilizzo sostenibile degli oceani, dei mari e delle risorse marine del mondo.
Why the goal matters?
The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface. As the planet’s largest ecosystem, the ocean regulates the climate, generates oxygen and provides livelihoods for billions. More than 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. The ocean also contributes to current and future sustainable economic growth.
A healthy, productive, sustainable and resilient ocean is fundamental to life on our planet and to our future.
Yet, our ocean is facing a global emergency. Climate change poses adverse effects on the ocean and marine life, including the rise in ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, deoxygenation, sea level rise, the decrease in polar ice coverage, decrease in marine biodiversity, as well as coastal erosion and extreme weather events and related impacts on island and coastal communities. Cumulative human activities also cause ecosystem degradation and species extinctions. 2022 is the year to stop the decline.
In June, the Goal of the Month editorial looks at Goal 14 (Life under Water). We explore the impacts of the decline of the ocean, the ocean-climate nexus, and what science-based solutions are available.
2022 UN Ocean Conference | 27 June – 1 July 2022 Scaling up ocean action based on science and innovation for the implementation of Goal 14: stocktaking, partnerships and solutionsThe UN Ocean Conference, from 27 June to 1 July, co-hosted by Portugal and Kenya, is a unique opportunity to boost collective efforts and find innovative solutions to effectively address the challenges that the ocean is now facing.
With just one month to go to the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, what can be expected from the Conference? Read 5 things you should know about the UN Ocean Conference.
The ocean – our best ally against climate change
The ocean is our greatest ally against the climate crisis. It generates 50 percent of the oxygen we need and absorbs 25 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions. It is not just ‘the lungs of the planet,’ but also its largest ‘carbon sink’ – a vital buffer against the increasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. But as our blue planet warms, unleashing cascading effects on ocean life and services, we look at why and how we must limit and reverse the decline in ocean health and strengthen its potential to mitigate climate change.