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UCLouvain – St.Louis-University- UNRIC/Italy

UCLouvain – St.Louis-University- UNRICItaly
UCLouvain – St.Louis-University- UNRICItaly

On 23 April 2024 UNRIC/Italy gave a three-hour presentation – titled “International Organizations interactions” – to some 40 students attending the course of International organizations within the context of the degree in International Relations with the Faculty of Political Science of Brussels-based UC Louvain Saint Louis University.

Drawing on original Desk-created material (power point presentations and charts) , the DO expanded on the UN-EU relationship, the UN system’s presence in Brussels, the SDGs, also presenting the upcoming Summit of the Future, giving practical examples, presenting career opportunities and sharing personal working and living experience. The presentation was followed by sustained questioning from the attendance and informal individual meetings  on a broad array of themes that had emerged from the presentation. The Desk officer committed to maintaining an open line of contact with the University through email lists and social media contacts, including those of other UNRIC national Desks.