Nel 2015, Sua Santità Papa Francesco si è recato in una storica visita alla sede dell’ONU, definendo le Nazioni Unite “necessarie”. Nella Giornata internazionale dell’amicizia, che si celebra ogni anno il 30 luglio, ripensiamo al potente discorso del pontefice nell’Aula dell’Assemblea generale, quando ha suggerito che l’ONU può essere migliorata e può “essere il pegno di un futuro sicuro e felice per le generazioni future”.
In 2015, His Holiness Pope Francis paid an historic visit to UN Headquarters, calling the United Nations “necessary”.
On the International Day of Friendship, marked annually on 30 July, we are looking back to the pontiff’s powerful speech in the General Assembly Hall when he suggested the UN could be improved and can “be the pledge of a secure and happy future for future generations”.
“Be close to one another, respect one another,” he said. “The international juridical framework of the United Nations and of all its activities, like any other human endeavour, can be improved, yet it remains necessary.”
United human family
“Embody among yourselves this Organization’s ideal of a united human family, living in harmony, working not only for peace, but in peace, working not only for justice, but in a spirit of justice,” he said.
Pope Francis also offered a blessing to UN staff, asking in turn for their prayers.
Stories from the UN Archive
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