La Giornata Internazionale per le Persone di Discendenza Africana sarà celebrata per la prima volta il 31 agosto 2021 allo scopo di promuovere gli straordinari contributi della diaspora africana nel mondo e per eliminare ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti delle persone di origine africana. La Giornata arriva poco prima della riunione ad Alto Livello dell’Assemblea Generale del 22 settembre in occasione del 20° anniversario della Dichiarazione e del Programma d’Azione di Durban, riguardante il tema “Riparazioni, giustizia razziale e uguaglianza per le persone di origine africana”.
An exciting series of activities is being organized in Costa Rica between 31 August and 4 September in San Jose and in Cahuita on the Caribbean Coast.
The official ceremony in hybrid format on 31 August in San Jose includes participation by the DSG, HC for Human Rights, DG UNFPA and the VP of Costa Rica. Activities over the following days include a high-level forum, an economic and business forum for Afro-descendants, a civil society dialogue to advance the rights of Afro-descendants and a cultural ceremony to inaugurate the International Day. The closing Drum Dialogue ceremony with the Afro-Costa Rican community of Cahuita will feature performances by local and international artists, the release of a song and the launch of a mini-documentary.
Events have a mixed in-person/online format with the participation of Governments, international organizations, civil society organizations, academia, media and leaders of African descent from around the world. UNFPA and OHCHR, with the support of DGC, are in the lead.
UNFPA has shared the following links for collaterals with us. This also includes relevant contacts on the ground in Costa Rica.
Registration link
Streaming information
The event will be streamed through the UNFPA LACRO YouTube channel. If you need to share a streaming link now use: as the generic link to the UNFPA channel. However, each session will have a specific link which will be given out once people have registered for the respective session(s) using the registration link listed above.