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La FAO e l’AIEA terranno un simposio sulla gestione della terra e dell’acqua per un’agricoltura intelligente dal punto di vista climatico, dal 25 al 29 luglio 2022.

Opens in Vienna on 25 July 2022, at 09:30 CEST 
Leading soil, water, and environment experts from around the world will meet from 25 July to 29 July at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna to discuss how nuclear, isotopic, and related techniques can support climate-smart agriculture and sustainable land-water use.  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Director-General QU Dongyu and IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi will address the opening session on 25 July at 09:30 CEST.  Nuclear, isotopic, and related techniques can help farmers improve crop productivity and adapt to climate change. The techniques are also being used for sustainable land and water management and in the conservation of natural resources since agriculture accounts for 70 percent of all freshwater consumption and generates about a quarter of all greenhouse gases emissions.  The International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture is organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture in the M building of the Vienna International Centre (VIC). The Symposium programme can be found herePress Opportunities Journalists are invited to attend the Symposium starting at 9:30 CEST on 25 July. All sessions will be streamed live and will take place in Boardroom B/M1 in M Building of the VIC. Journalists, who would like to attend virtually and ask questions, can register as observers here Photos will also be made available at the IAEA Flickr pageAccreditation All journalists are requested to inform the IAEA Press Office of their plans to attend in person or online.  Journalists with permanent credentials to the VIC need no additional credentials. We encourage those journalists who do not yet have permanent accreditation, to request it at UNIS Vienna. Other journalists who only intend to attend this event should contact the IAEA Press Office for accreditation by Friday 22 July 12:00 CEST. Please email press@iaea.orgJournalists who would like to attend the symposium virtually can join here.
