Per raggiungere l’obiettivo “fame zero”, che rimane una realtà distante per decine di milioni di individui, Stati, organizzazioni internazionali e società civile devono adottare un approccio onnicomprensivo, coordinato e fondato sul rispetto dei diritti che preveda una partecipazione maggiore di coloro che sono maggiormente toccati da tale precarietà, sottolinea la Relatrice Speciale ONU sul Diritto all’alimentazione Hilal Elver nel rapporto presentato al Consiglio dei Diritti Umani.
“Realizing the right to food requires more than just eliminating hunger and malnutrition; it also requires guaranteeing access to nutritious, adequate food and promoting the survival of smallholder farmers and rural communities,” said Hilal Elver, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food.
In her final thematic report to the Council, the Special Rapporteur provides guidance on recommended actions for realizing the right to food given trends towards globalization and commodification of food systems.
“The current industrial agricultural model mistreats animals, emits greenhouse gases, relies on toxic pesticides, pollutes ecosystems, displaces and abuses agricultural workers and fisher folk, and disrupts traditional farming communities,” the expert says. “Put simply, the human rights of women, children, migrants, indigenous peoples, peasants, and small holder farmers are often violated.”
In light of these disturbing trends and challenges, Elver recommended “responsible investment and stronger support for agroecology that de-emphasize intensive production methods that can jeopardize environmental sustainability and undermine the wellbeing of communities”.
She also recommended a holistic, coordinated and rights-based approach to the elimination of hunger and malnutrition with increased participation and involvement of those most affected. “We need robust protections for human rights defenders and members of the scientific community who are facing increased attacks in the face of emerging nationalism, populism and predatory global capitalism.”
In her report, the expert notes that States must avoid the adoption of economic policies that deregulate food markets, as well as austerity measures that impose hardships on vulnerable communities and accentuate inequality. “These policies can lead to economic, social and political instability,” she said.
During the six years of her mandate, the Special Rapporteur witnessed increased hunger worldwide and sought to draw particular attention to the fate of populations living on the brink of starvation that now threatens 113 million people. Severe conflicts and emergency situations, including those linked to geopolitical tensions and climate change, are exacerbating these conditions.
“States, individuals, and all perpetrators must be held accountable for the deliberate violation of the right to food and the crime of starvation,” Elver said.
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