A meno di una settimana da COP26 a Glasgow, l’evento ha lo scopo di stimolare il supporto politico, e di identificare delle lacune nelle finanze, capacità e competenze richieste per raggiungere gli obiettivi per il clima.
Quando: Martedì, 26 ottobre 2021, 10am-9.30pm (16.00-3.30 CEST)
Dove: Assemblea Genereale e online al link: http://webtv.un.org
Sito: https://www.un.org/pga/76/event/deliver_climate_action/#
Programma e lista dei relatori, qui.
New York – The President of the General Assembly will convene a High-Level Thematic Dialogue on Delivering Climate Action: for people, planet, and prosperity, on Tuesday, 26 October 2021, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Part of the President’s commitment to environmental action, the high-level dialogue is intended to refocus the global narrative around climate change, emphasizing demonstrable evidence of climate action globally.
The President, who has chosen ‘hope’ as the theme of the 76th session, will emphasize that technological innovations combined with a wealth of knowledge and resources, offer the opportunity to meaningfully tackle the climate crisis, if countries can build on partnerships, cooperate, and ensure action matches ambition.
With COP26 set to commence on the 31st of October in Glasgow, there is an urgent need for the international community to recommit to the goals and principles of the Paris Agreement. This includes raising ambition in the form of renewed Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the five-year cycle of which was included in the Paris Agreement.
In addressing world leaders, General Assembly President Abdulla Shahid will make clear the need to meet and surpass the $100 billion in annual climate financing intended for developing countries, calling on Member States to target $1 trillion in support by 2030, with a 50/50 split on mitigation and adaptation.
“We have the science, we have the capacity, and we have the resources. We CAN find the will to end the climate crisis. If we work together, I believe we are capable.” Noted President Shahid.
The event will include a ‘Fireside Chat’ on the road to COP26; ‘Spotlights’ on multi-stakeholder partnerships between the private sector, scientists and whole-of-society mobilizations; and both panels and spotlights on how to achieve the goal of 1.5. The full programme can be seen here.
At least 25 Heads of State and Government, in addition to 36 ministers, will be participating.