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Il Dipartimento di Comunicazione Globale ospita la discussione “L’educazione all’olocausto nel mondo virtuale del COVID-19”

On 21 October at 9.00 a.m. EDT, the Department of Global Communications will be hosting an online discussion titled “Holocaust education in the virtual COVID-19 world”. The event forms part of the 2020 programme of Holocaust remembrance, education and outreach organized by the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme. To accommodate time zone differences, a recording of the programme will be made available to all who register.

The discussion will examine how the virtual world has been harnessed to facilitate outreach about the Holocaust to diverse audiences in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the implications of COVID-19 for these projects. Three case studies will be shared. One case study illustrates a creative and positive collaboration between state and institution to realize an online exhibition. The panel will also consider the impact of the pandemic on educational projects such as “Every name counts”, of the Arolsen Archives, Germany, and the programmes of Echoes & Reflectionssupporting educators teaching about the Holocaust in the context of COVID-19.

The panel comprises H.E. Ms. Audra Plepytė, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the United Nations; Dr. Jonathan Brent, Executive Director of YIVO – Institute for Jewish Research; Ms. Karolina Ziulkoski, Chief Curator of the YIVO Bruce and Francesca Cernia Slovin Online Museum; Dr. Floriane Azoulay, Director of the Arolsen Archives, and Ms. Ariel Behrman, Director of Echoes & Reflections. Ms. Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, moderates.

Please register here: https://bit.ly/34c0r1s
