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Fondo Fiduciario Volontario dell’ONU per le vittime della tratta di esseri umani: finanziamenti a 20 nuovi progetti di ONG

23 June 2021 – Twenty NGO projects from eighteen countries have been announced as recipients of the latest round of grants under the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking (UNVTF). Designed to facilitate swift humanitarian aid to victims in, or fleeing from, imperative crisis scenarios, including COVID-19, this grant cycle is the fifth since the Trust Fund was established in 2010.

The following Italian NGOs have been selected for funding:

Associazione Tampep Onlus Italy The “Bread and Roses” project aims to strengthen two integrated actions of a drop-in centre: immediate assistance, to migrant female victims such as providing health prevention, material and short-term housing support and protection.
Parsec Cooperativa

Italy “Maiz” – Harm Reduction for Transgender Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation – is aimed at providing material assistance and medical advice to transgender women who are victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, who prostitute themselves on the street in Rome.
