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Evento virtuale della Commissione ONU per i Diritti Palestinesi “Conferenza internazionale sulla questione di Gerusalemme”

UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
  with support from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Virtual event

“International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem” Forced demographic change in Jerusalem – grave breaches and a threat to peace ” 

Thursday, July 1 2021, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (NY Time)

The UN Palestinian Rights Committee ,  with support from the OIC, will hold the International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem “Forced demographic change in Jerusalem – grave breaches and a threat to peace” on 1 July 2021 from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (New York Time), via WebEx. The event will also be livestreamed on UN Web TV.

The Conference will highlight the ongoing Israeli policies and practices to change the demographics and status quo in occupied East Jerusalem, with a special focus on evictions of Palestinians from their homes and demolitions of Palestinian houses and other structures in the City, and exploring means of addressing such violations in order to advance a just and peaceful resolution of the question of Palestine based on international law and relevant UN resolutions.

The speakers – Lara Friedman, Foundation for Middle East Peace; Michael Lynk, UN Special Rapporteur; Suma Qawasmi, Sheikh Jarrah community leader; Nivine Sandouka, Hoqoqna – Our Rights East Jerusalem; and Emily Schaeffer Omer-Man, human rights attorney – will highlight evictions and demolitions and ongoing efforts to challenge these policies and practices; the role of non-State actors; the roles and responsibilities of Member States under international law to oppose ongoing violations and ensure accountability; and the question of Jerusalem as a final status issue.

Participants in the Webex event will consist of the invited panellists, Committee Members / Observers and other Member States. Intergovernmental and civil society organizations as well as the public and media will be invited to follow the event via live stream. While participation in the virtual platform will be limited to UN Member and Observer States, panellists, IGOs ​​and CSOs, the general public can send their questions via the Committee Facebook page , Twitter account , the e-mail dpr-meeting@un.org and WhatsApp ( +1 646 421 0579 ).

For further information, please visit https://www.un.org/unispal/ .

Viewers are encouraged to use the hashtags #Rights4Palestine and #ForPalestineRefugees on their social media and to tag the Committee’s social media pages using Twitter & Instagram: @UNISPAL , Facebook: @UN.palestinianrights .

Watch the live stream on UN Web TV: http://webtv.un.org

Share live updates from the Committee Twitter account  and Facebook page .
