Guterres allarmato per l’irruzione nell’ambasciata messicana in Ecuador

Ecco la dichiarazione ufficiale del Portavoce del SG sulla morte del Presidente della Repubblica Islamica dell'Iran Raisi in un incidente in elicottero
Ecco la dichiarazione ufficiale del Portavoce del SG sulla morte del Presidente della Repubblica Islamica dell'Iran Raisi in un incidente in elicottero Credit: UNIFEED

New York, 6 Aprile 2024 – Ecco la dichiarazione ufficiale del Portavoce del SG sull’irruzione nell’ambasciata messicana in Ecuador

Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on raid of Mexico’s embassy in Ecuador

The Secretary-General is alarmed at the forced entry of Ecuadorean security forces into the premises of the Mexican Embassy in Quito. He reaffirms the cardinal principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel, emphasizing that this principle must be respected in all cases, in accordance with international law.

The Secretary-General stresses that violations of this principle jeopardize the pursuit of normal international relations, which are critical for the advancement of cooperation between States.

The Secretary-General calls for moderation and exhorts both Governments to solve their differences through peaceful means.

Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General


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