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Conferenza Stampa di WHO Europe sulla pandemia da COVID-19 in Europa (28 Gennaio 2021)

COVID-19 situation in the WHO European Region

WHO/Europe online press briefing on Thursday, 28 January at 11:00 (CET)

WHO/Europe will hold its regular virtual press briefing with Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, and technical experts.  The briefing will present a situation update on COVID-19 in the WHO European Region and answer media questions.

The virtual press briefing will be broadcast live on the WHO/Europe’s Facebook account https://www.facebook.com/WHOEurope  and on its Twitter profile https://twitter.com/WHO_Europe

You can join the briefing via Zoom meeting and ask your question online (see connection details below). When joining the Zoom meeting, please ensure you enter your name and media outlet (use name/outlet). To ask a question, please click “raise hand” and this will enter you into the pool for questions. Please make sure you have a microphone connected or active on your computer.

Journalists who prefer to send their questions in advance, are very welcome to email them to negruL@who.int  by 18:00 CET on Wednesday, 27 January.


Join Zoom Meetinghttps://who.zoom.us/j/98266391638

  • Meeting ID: 98266391638
  • Password: RP2EQ!VD

Dial by your location: find your local number: https://who.zoom.us/u/abMY3mXjup

  • Meeting ID: 98266391638
  • Password: 49616170

Join by SIP: 98266391638@zoomcrc.com


Sarah Tyler: eupress@who.int

Helene Hassager: eupress@who.int

Liuba Negru: negrul@who.int
