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(closed) Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration


Deadline: 30 September

In conjunction with the Migration Youth Forum, IOM are launching a new space for young people to present their existing solutions to issues around migration and development: The Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration. 

The Award (apply now) will showcase existing initiatives aiming to empower and improve the living conditions of young people on the move, led by youth at the XIII GFMD and receive support in their ongoing journey, with a two months mentorship program, seed funding for their initiative (TBC) and the chance to participate in the Youth Forum and be part of the GFMD process. Young entrepreneurs, leaders and youth-led start-ups and organizations are invited to apply.

Youth Participation at the XIII GFMD

The annual Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) summit is a state-led, informal, and non-binding process which helps shape the global debate on migration and development.

Youth engagement and participation in global migration governance is extremely important, especially during these challenging times we are living in now.

This year, youth will sit at the same table as governments, mayors, business leaders, and civil society stakeholders to discuss common migration policy priorities and actions at the GFMD during the Migration Youth Forum.

Who will be at the Youth Forum? 70 young people, including young migrants and refugees, representatives of civil society organizations led by or working for youth, researchers, entrepreneurs, professionals, volunteers, activists, leaders… All under the age of 31 and strongly committed to working with and for migrants in their communities. We aim for a balanced representation and an inclusive and diverse Forum when it comes to gender, age, socio-economic background, culture, religion, ethnicity and geography. The Youth Forum will be a peer-to-peer space to learn about the importance of the GFMD and how to contribute to it effectively, as well as provide a solid network of support during the days of the Summit. The Migration Youth Forum will be held right before the XIII Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) Summit.

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