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WHO: #NoExcuse podcast


There is no excuse for sexual misconduct in the humanitarian or development sectors. Many people don’t want to think about the often-ignored topic of sexual misconduct by our own personnel. Shining a light on this dark and painful topic is an important step to addressing it.

Poet, novelist, and survivor Dr. Maya Angelou wrote, “What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” As she suggests, changing how we view the issue is half the battle. It is within this need to change our views in a space of learning that the #NoExcuse Podcast was born.

Join WHO as they delve deep into the topic of sexual misconduct, share stories of work in the field, surface obstacles to prevention, and explore making zero tolerance for sexual misconduct a part of workplace culture, WHO’s new normal. This podcast will examine different challenges and solutions through the perspectives of people who are already doing the work to create the change we need and want.

The #NoExcuse podcast is produced by the World Health Organization’s Department for the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Misconduct. 


Additional links:

A-Z: United Nations Podcasts