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UNRISD: SSE Essentials


The Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy is a comprehensive reference text that explores how the social and solidarity economy (SSE) plays a significant role in creating and developing economic activities in alternative ways. In contrast to processes involving commodification, commercialization, bureaucratization and corporatization, the SSE reasserts the place of ethics, social well-being, and democratic decision-making in economic activities and governance. Identifying and analysing a myriad of issues and topics associated with the SSE, the Encyclopedia broadens the knowledge base of diverse actors of the SSE, including practitioners, activists and policy makers.

SSE Essentials is a podcast series by UNRISD unpacking entries of this newly released Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy. The volume is a comprehensive guide to the SSE, a concept recognized globally for its potential for inclusive, sustainable economic and social development. Published by Edward Elgar, the Encyclopedia is a collective work of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the SSE. In each episode, the host will interview one or multiple entry authors and offer an opportunity for audiences to gain an understanding of the SSE in general and zoom in on some key topics on the SSE through the authors’ insights and experiences.

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A-Z: United Nations Podcasts