UN News Focus: Central African Republic https://news.un.org/en/focus/central-african-republic |
Note to Correspondents: Conclusions of the Principal-meeting on the Central African Republic Peace Agreement – Summary of the Co-chairs (22 February 2019): https://bit.ly/3bC1M70 |
Central African Republic’s message to UN: ‘The only thing we want is peace’ (UN News Centre Feature, 23 October 2017): https://news.un.org/en/story/2017/10/569122-central-african-republics-message-un-only-thing-we-want-peace |
Central African Republic’s Parliament seated after UN support for polls (UN News Centre Feature, 6 May 2016): https://news.un.org/en/story/2016/05/528702-feature-central-african-republics-parliament-seated-after-un-support-polls |
Note to Correspondents on the findings of the Central African Republic Special Investigation (24 January 2018): Report of an independent review on sexual exploitation and abuse by international peacekeeping forces in the Central African Republic (A/71/99, 23 June 2016): Central African Republic: UN completes investigations into allegations of sexual abuse by peacekeepers (UN News Centre, 5 December 2016): Taking Action on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers: Report of an Independent Review on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peacekeeping Forces in the Central African Republic (17 December 2015): |
- Security Council
- Human Rights Council
- UN Entities
- Selected Statements and Speeches by UN Officials
- Selected UN Documents
- Selected Articles in UN Journals
- Further Information
- Non-UN Sources
- Meetings in 2023: 27 July, 20 June, 21 February – The situation in the Central African Republic
Meeting records, press releases and resolutions:
https://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2023 - Meetings in 2022: 14, 7 November, 19 October, 29 July, 22 June, 22 February – The situation in the Central African Republic
https://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2022 - Meetings in 2021: 12, 3 November, 18 October, 29 July, 23 June, 12 March, 21 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
Meeting records, press releases and resolutions:
https://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2021 - Meetings in 2020: 12 November, 19 October, 28 July, 20 February, 31 January –
The situation in the Central African Republic
https://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2020 - Meetings in 2019: 15, 7 November, 25 October, 12 September, 20 June, 9 April, 21 February, 31 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2019 - Meetings in 2018: 13 December, 15 November, 23, 17 October, 13 July, 21, 13 June, 22 February, 30 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2018 - Meetings in 2017: 15, 6 November, 24 October, 13 July, 12 June, 4 April, 16 March,15 February, 27 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2017 - Meetings in 2016: 16 November, 10 October, 26, 8 July, 26, 15, 12 April, 9 February, 27 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2016 - Meetings in 2015: 14 December, 20 October, 5 August, 28, 14, 8 April, 26 March, 22 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2015 - Meetings in 2014: 18, 9 December, 21 October, 19 August, 24 June, 10 April, 6 March, 20 February, 28, 22, 6 January – Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2014 - Meetings in 2013: 5 December, 25 November, 10 October, 14 August, 15 May, 24, 11 January – The situation in the Central African Republic
http://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2013 - Meetings in 2012: 6 June – The situation in the Central African Republic
- Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic
- Resolutions and other documents:
- S/RES/2693 (2023): https://undocs.org/S/RES/2693(2023)
on renewal of measures on arms embargo against the Central African Republic until 31 July 2024 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 31 Aug. 2024 - S/2023/442 (15 June 2023): Central African Republic: report of the Secretary-General: https://undocs.org/S/2023/442
Annexes (p. 18-20): 1. United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic: military and police strength as at 1 June 2023 — 2. Map.
Submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2659 (2022); provides an update since the report of 16 Feb. 2023 (S/2023/108). Includes UN map no. 4522 Rev.27: MINUSCA June 2023 (June 2023).- Previous reports: https://bit.ly/3OPx8Ku
- S/AC.51/2022/5 (19 December 2022): Conclusions on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic: Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict: https://undocs.org/S/AC.51/2022/5
“Annex: Statement by the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Central African Republic to the United Nations to the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict”: p. 11-13. - S/RES/2659 (2022): https://undocs.org/S/RES/2659(2022)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2023 - S/2022/816 (1 November 2022): Letter dated 26 October 2022 from the Permanent Representatives of Ireland, Mexico and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General: https://undocs.org/S/2022/816
Transmits summary note of the meeting of the Security Council Informal Expert Group on Women, Peace and Security on the Central African Republic, held on 26 Aug. 2022. - S/RES/2648 (2022): https://undocs.org/S/RES/2648(2022)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 July 2023 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 31 Aug. 2023 - S/RES/2605 (2021): https://undocs.org/S/RES/2605(2021)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2022 - S/2021/882 (15 October 2021): Children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic : report of the Secretary-General: https://undocs.org/S/2021/882
Prepared pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612 (2005); covers the period July 2019-June 2021. - S/RES/2588 (2021): https://undocs.org/S/RES/2588(2021)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 July 2022 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 31 Aug. 2022 - S/RES/2566 (2021): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2566(2021)
on increase of military and police personnel for the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) - S/RES/2552 (2020): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2552(2020)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2021 - S/RES/2536 (2020): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2536(2020)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 July 2021 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 31 Aug. 2021 - S/AC.51/2020/3 (17 June 2020): Conclusions on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic: Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict: http://undocs.org/S/AC.51/2020/3
“Annex: Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Central African Republic to the United Nations before the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict”: p. 10-11. - S/2020/131 (27 February 2020): Letter dated 20 February 2020 from the Chair of the Central African Republic Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2020/131
Transmits report of the Chair’s visit to Bangui from 11-14 Feb. 2020. - S/RES/2507 (2020): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2507(2020)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 July 2020 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 31 Aug. 2020 - S/2019/1008 (31 December 2019): Letter dated 31 December 2019 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2019/1008
Assesses the progress achieved on the key benchmarks established on arms embargo measures in the Central African Republic in presidential statement S/PRST/2019/3; pursuant to para. 10 of Security Council resolution 2488 (2019). - S/RES/2499 (2019): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2499(2019
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2020. - S/2019/852 (30 October 2019): Children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic: report of the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2019/852
Prepared pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612 (2005); covers the period Jan. 2016-June 2019. - S/2019/846 (29 October 2019): Letter dated 28 October 2019 from the Chair of the Central African Republic Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2019/846
Transmits the advice of the Commission, in its advisory capacity to the Security Council, pertaining to the upcoming renewal of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). - S/RES/2488 (2019): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2488(2019)
on renewal and adjustment of measures on arms embargo against the Central African Republic until 31 Jan. 2020 - S/PRST/2019/3 (9 April 2019): Statement [made on behalf of the Security Council, at the 8503rd meeting, 9 Apr. 2019, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “The situation in the Central African Republic”]: http://undocs.org/S/PRST/2019/3
- S/2019/167 (21 February 2019): Letter dated 20 February 2019 from the Chair of the Central African Republic Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2019/167
Transmits report of the Chair’s visit to Bangui from 13-15 Feb. 2019. - S/2019/147 (15 February 2019): Central African Republic: report of the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2019/147
Submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2448 (2018). Includes UN map no. 4522 rev. 14: MINUSCA February 2019 (Feb. 2019). - S/2019/145 (15 February 2019): Letter dated 14 February 2019 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2019/145
Transmits the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic, signed in Bangui, 6 Feb. 2019. - S/2019/119 (7 February 2019): Letter dated 6 February 2019 from the Permanent Representative of the Sudan to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2019/119
Transmits statement dated 5 Feb. 2019 of the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union on the initialling of a peace accord in the Central African Republic issued on 5 Feb. 2019. - S/RES/2454 (2019): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2454(2019)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 Jan. 2020 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 29 Feb. 2020 - S/RES/2448 (2018): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2448(2018)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2019 - S/2018/1087 (6 December 2018): Letter dated 5 December 2018 from the Permanent Representatives of Peru, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2018/1087
Transmits summary note of the meeting of the Security Council Informal Expert Group on Women, Peace and Security on the Central African Republic, held on 18 Oct. 2018. - S/RES/2446 (2018): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2446(2018)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Dec. 2018 - S/2018/922 (15 October 2018): Situation in the Central African Republic : report of the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2018/922
Submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2387 (2017). Includes UN map no. 4522 rev. 13: MINUSCA October 2018 (Oct. 2018). - S/2018/611 (18 June 2018): Situation in the Central African Republic: report of the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2018/611
Submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2387 (2017). Includes UN map no. 4522 rev. 12: MINUSCA June 2018 (June 2018). - S/2018/125 (15 February 2018): Report of the Secretary-General on the Central African Republic: http://undocs.org/S/2018/125
- Previous reports: https://bit.ly/3YqSzF0
- S/RES/2399 (2018): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2399(2018)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 Jan. 2019 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 28 Feb. 2019 - S/RES/2387 (2017): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2387(2017)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2018 - S/RES/2339 (2017): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2339(2017)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic until 31 Jan. 2018 and extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 28 Feb. 2018 - S/2017/12 (5 January 2017): Letter dated 5 January 2017 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2017/12
Transmits letter dated 30 Dec. 2016 from the Chair of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, based on the Working Group’s conclusions on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic, adopted on 14 Dec. 2016 (S/AC.51/2016/3). - S/2016/1105 (27 December 2016): Letter dated 22 December 2016 from the Permanent Representatives of Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2016/1105
Transmits summary note of the meeting of the Security Council Informal Experts Group on Women, Peace and Security on the Central African Republic, held on 7 Dec. 2016. - S/AC.51/2016/3 (29 November 2016): Conclusions on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic : Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict: http://undocs.org/S/AC.51/2016/3
- S/2016/824 (29 September 2016): Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic: http://undocs.org/S/2016/824 and http://undocs.org/S/2016/824/Corr.1
Submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2301 (2016); provides an update on the situation in the Central African Republic since the report of 1 April 2016 (S/2016/305), to 16 Sept. 2016 and on the implementation of the mandate of MINUSCA. Corrigendum S/2016/824/Corr.1 provides substitute text for para. 16. - A/70/1020-S/2016/721 (18 August 2016): Letter dated 29 July 2016 from the Permanent Representatives of Slovakia and South Africa to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General: http://undocs.org/S/2016/721
Transmits statement by the Co-Chairs of the Group of Friends of Security Sector Reform on the high-level dialogue on building support for security sector reform priorities in the Central African Republic, held in New York, 21 June 2016. - S/2016/672 (2 August 2016): Letter dated 29 July 2016 from the Permanent Representatives of Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General: http://undocs.org/S/2016/672
Transmits summary note of the meeting of the Security Council Informal Experts Group on Women, Peace and Security on the situation of women, peace and security in Central African Republic, held on 15 June 2016. - S/RES/2301 (2016): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2301(2016)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 Nov. 2017 - S/2016/565 (22 June 2016): Special Report of the Secretary-General on the strategic review of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic: http://undocs.org/S/2016/565
- S/RES/2281 (2016): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2264(2016)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 31 July 2016 - S/2016/133 (12 February 2016): Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic: http://undocs.org/S/2016/133
Prepared pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612 (2005); covers the period Jan. 2011 to Dec. 2015. - S/RES/2264 (2016): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2264(2016)
on number of military, police and correction personnel for the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) - S/RES/2262 (2016): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2262(2016)
on renewal of measures on arms, transport, finance and travel against the Central African Republic and extension of the mandate of the Group of Experts Established pursuant to Resolution 2127 (2013) until 28 Feb. 2017 - S/2015/503 (30 June 2015): Report of the Security Council mission to the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Burundi, including the African Union: http://undocs.org/S/2015/503
- S/2015/344 (4 June 2015): Letter dated 15 May 2015 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the Central African Republic to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2015/344
Transmits the two documents entitled “Republican Pact for Peace, National Reconciliation and Reconstruction in the Central African Republic” and “Agreement between the Transitional Government and the armed groups on the principles of disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation and of integration into the uniformed State forces of the Central African Republic” adopted at the Bangui Forum, held from 4 to 11 May 2015 as part of the transition process in the Central African Republic. - S/2015/339 (14 May 2015): Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa: http://undocs.org/S/2015/339
- S/RES/2217 (2015): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2217(2015)
on the extension of the the mandate of UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 30 April 2016 - S/RES/2212 (2015): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2212(2015)
on increase of military, police and correction personnel for the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) - S/RES/2196 (2015): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2196(2015)
extending arms embargo, asset freeze and travel ban until 29 January 2016 and the mandate of the Expert Panel assisting the Sanctions Committee through 29 February 2016 - S/2014/928 (22 December 2014): Letter dated 19 December 2014 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2014/928
Transmits the final report of the International Commission of Inquiry on the Central African Republic received from the Chair of the Commission in accordance with Security Council resolution 2127 (2013). - S/2014/858 (28 November 2014): Letter dated 28 November 2014 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2014/858
Transmits letter dated 13 Nov. 2014 from the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union and Vice-President of the European Commission, submitting report of the European Union operation in the Central African Republic to the Security Council on its support to the African-led International Support Mission and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic. - S/RES/2181 (2014): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2181(2014)
extending the authorization of the European Union operation in the Central African Republic until 15 March 2015 - S/2014/562 (1 August 2014): Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic: http://undocs.org/S/2014/562
Submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2149 (2014); provides an update on the situation in the Central African Republic since the last report of 3 Mar. 2014 (S/2014/142). - S/2014/319 (6 May 2014): Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa and on the Lord’s Resistance Army-affected areas: http://undocs.org/S/2014/319
- S/RES/2149 (2014) : http://undocs.org/S/RES/2149(2014)
establishing the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) for an initial period of one year - S/2014/142 (3 March 2014): Report of the Secretary-General on the Central African Republic submitted pursuant to paragraph 48 of Security Council resolution 2127 (2013): http://undocs.org/S/2014/142
- S/2014/117 (20 February 2014): Letter dated 20 February 2014 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2014/117
Transmits letter dated 17 Feb. 2014 from the Chairperson of the African Union Commission including the African Union’s proposals on the enhancement of international action in the Central African Republic. - S/RES/2134 (2014): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2134(2014)
on the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA) for one year, expanding sanctions imposed on individuals to include a travel ban and an assets freeze, and authorizing the deployment of a European Union intervention force in the country - S/2014/43 (22 January 2014): Letter dated 20 January 2014 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council: http://undocs.org/S/2014/43
Refers to Security Council resolution 2127 (2013) and informs that arrangements for the establishment of the International Commission of Inquiry in the Central African Republic are under way and that the Commission will consist of Bernard Acho Muna (Cameroon), Fatima M’Baye (Mauritania) and Jorge Castañeda (Mexico). - S/RES/2127 (2013): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2127(2013)
on authorizing both the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic, known as MISCA, and the French troops already stationed - S/2013/677 (15 November 2013): Report of the Secretary-General on the Central African Republic submitted pursuant to paragraph 22 of Security Council resolution 2121 (2013): http://undocs.org/S/2013/677
- S/2013/671 (14 November 2013): Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa and on the Lord’s Resistance Army-affected areas: http://undocs.org/S/2013/671
- S/RES/2121 (2013): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2121(2013)
on the situation in the Central African Republic - S/RES/2088 (2013): http://undocs.org/S/RES/2088(2013)
on extension of the mandate of the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA) until 31 Jan. 2014
- S/RES/2693 (2023): https://undocs.org/S/RES/2693(2023)
- Human Rights Council Discusses the Situation of Children in the Central African Republic and Strengthening Institutional Capacities in South Sudan (31 March 2023): https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/03/human-rights-council-discusses-situation-children-central-african-republic-and
- Human Rights Council Holds Interactive Dialogue on Human Rights in Ukraine and High-level Interactive Dialogue on Human Rights in the Central African Republic (22 March 2021): https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/03/human-rights-council-holds-interactive-dialogue-human-rights-ukraine-and
- Human Rights Council holds separate interactive dialogues on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the Central African Republic (2 October 2020): https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2020/10/human-rights-council-holds-separate-interactive-dialogues-situation-human-0
- High-level Interactive Dialogue on human Rights situation in the Central African Republic (18 June 2020): https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2020/06/high-level-interactive-dialogue-human-rights-situation-central-african-republic
- Human Rights Council holds high-level interactive dialogue on the human rights situation in the Central African Republic, 20 March 2019: https://www.ohchr.org/en/media-advisories/2019/03/human-rights-council-holds-high-level-interactive-dialogue-human-rights
- 20th Special Session on the “Human Rights Situation in the Central African Republic” – 20 January 2014:
https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/special-sessions/session20/th-special-session- OHCHR Monitoring Mission in the Central African Republic (CAR): Preliminary Findings (14 January 2014):
- OHCHR Monitoring Mission in the Central African Republic (CAR): Preliminary Findings (14 January 2014):
- UN in the Central African Republic:
https://republiquecentrafricaine.un.org/fr [FR] - United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA): https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/mission/minusca,
https://minusca.unmissions.org/en - United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA): https://unoca.unmissions.org/en
- United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) – UNOCA: https://dppa.un.org/en/mission/unoca
- Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict – Central African Republic: http://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/countries/central-african-republic/
- Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict (SRSG-SVC) – Central African Republic: https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/countries/central-african-republic/
- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights – Central African Republic: https://www.ohchr.org/en/countries/central-african-republic
- Central African Republic: UN reports detail serious violations, some possibly amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity (25 July 2022): https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/07/central-african-republic-un-reports-detail-serious-violations-some-possibly
- Central African Republic: Mapping human rights violations 2003-2015 (OHCHR / MINUSCA) (May 2017): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Countries/AfricaRegion/Pages/CARProjetMapping2003-2015.aspx
- Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Central African Republic: https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/ie-central-african-republic
- CAR: UN Independent Expert launches mission to assess critical human rights situation in the country (2 February 2018): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=22627
- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Central African Republic: https://www.unhcr.org/countries/central-african-republic
- International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Central African Republic: https://www.iom.int/countries/central-african-republic
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Central African Republic: https://www.undp.org/fr/central-african-republic [FR]
- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) – Central African Republic: https://www.unocha.org/central-african-republic
- ReliefWeb – Central African Republic: http://reliefweb.int/country/caf
- World Food Programme (WFP) – Central African Republic: http://www.wfp.org/countries/central-african-republic
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – Central African Republic: https://www.unicef.org/topics/central-african-republic
- International Criminal Court (ICC) – Situation in the Central African Republic: https://www.icc-cpi.int/car
Selected Statements and Speeches by UN Officials
- Secretary-General strongly condemns deadly attack on United Nations Peacekeeper Patrol in Central African Republic (SG/SM/21870, 11 July 2023): https://press.un.org/en/2023/sgsm21870.doc.htm
- Central African Republic: Atrocities must end, says Volker Türk (31 March 2023): https://www.ohchr.org/en/speeches/2023/03/central-african-republic-atrocities-must-end-says-volker-turk
- Secretary-General strongly condemns fatal attack on United Nations Mission in Central African Republic (SG/SM/21603, 26 November 2022): https://press.un.org/en/2022/sgsm21603.doc.htm
- Secretary-General welcomes First Trial Completion of Special Criminal Court in Central African Republic (SG/SM/21564, 1 November 2022): https://press.un.org/en/2022/sgsm21564.doc.htm
- Expressing condolences for peacekeepers killed in Central African Republic, Secretary-General urges national authorities to identify perpetrators (SG/SM/21515, 4 October 2022): https://press.un.org/en/2022/sgsm21515.doc.htm
- Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on adoption of law abolishing death penalty in CAR (01 June 2022): https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/06/comment-un-high-commissioner-human-rights-michelle-bachelet-adoption-law
- Bachelet updates the Human Rights Council on the Central African Republic (30 March 2022): https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/03/bachelet-updates-human-rights-council-central-african-republic
- Secretary-General strongly condemns arrest of United Nations Peacekeepers by Central African Republic Police, calls for their release (SG/SM/21152, 23 February 2022): https://press.un.org/en/2022/sgsm21152.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns attack by Central African Republic Presidential Guard on unarmed United Nations Peacekeepers in Bangui (SG/SM/21004, 4 November 2021): https://press.un.org/en/2021/sgsm21004.doc.htm
- Welcoming ceasefire across Central African Republic, Secretary‑General calls on parties to engage constructively (SG/SM/20977, 16 October 2021): https://press.un.org/en/2021/sgsm20977.doc.htm
- Agenda Item 10: High-level interactive dialogue on human rights situation in the Central African Republic – Statement by Nada Al-Nashif UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights Council 46th Session, 22 March 2021: https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=26928
- Reassuring population of United Nations support, Secretary-General notes first-round legislative election results in Central African Republic (SG/SM/20566, 3 February 2021): https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sgsm20566.doc.htm
- Condemning deadly ambush on United Nations Peacekeepers in Central African Republic, Secretary-General urges all parties to immediately cease hostilities (SG/SM/20542, 19 January 2021): https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sgsm20542.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns deadly attack on United Nations Convoy in Central African Republic (SG/SM/20535, 15 January 2021): https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sgsm20535.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns deadly attacks by armed combatants on National Forces, Peacekeepers in Central African Republic (SG/SM/20532, 13 January 2021): https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sgsm20532.doc.htm
- On eve of general elections in Central African Republic, Secretary-General strongly condemns violence, calling for peaceful, credible electoral process (SG/SM/20516, 26 December 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20516.doc.htm
- Strongly condemning killing of three peacekeepers in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls on authorities to investigate these heinous attacks (SG/SM/20514, 25 December 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20514.doc.htm
- Comment by UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Liz Throssell on violence in Central African Republic (23 December 2020): https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=26628
- Condemning escalating violence in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls on all actors to urgently end hostilities, work towards holding peaceful elections (SG/SM/20511, 18 December 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20511.doc.htm
- Remarks by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock – Member States Briefing on the Central African Republic (6 October 2020): https://reliefweb.int/report/central-african-republic/remarks-under-secretary-general-humanitarian-affairs-and-emergency
- Peace dividend must benefit all, especially most vulnerable, marginalized people, says Secretary-General, in Remarks to Meeting on Central African Republic (SG/SM/20302, 1 October 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20302.doc.htm
- Secretary-General condemns deadly attack on United Nations convoy in Central African Republic (SG/SM/20174, 13 July 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20174.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns deadly attack by Anti-Balaka elements against local officials, Peacekeepers in Central African Republic (SG/SM/20013, 16 March 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20013.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns killing of United Nations Stabilization Mission staff member in Central African Republic (SG/SM/20001, 9 March 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm20001.doc.htm
- Secretary-General welcomes verdict holding 28 accountable for 2017 killing of civilians, United Nations Peacekeepers in Central African Republic (SG/SM/19966, 8 February 2020): https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sgsm19966.doc.htm
- Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Central Africa, Special Representative François Louncény Fall (6 December 2019): https://dppa.un.org/en/security-council-briefing-situation-central-africa-special-representative-francois-lounceny-fall-2
- Secretary-General extends condolences to families of United Nations Peacekeepers killed as helicopter crashes in Central African Republic (SG/SM/19785-PKO/798, 27 September 2019): https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/sgsm19785.doc.htm
- Secretary-General’s Remarks at Ministerial Meeting on Central African Republic (SG/SM/19778, 26 September 2019): https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/sgsm19778.doc.htm
- Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Ursula Mueller – Remarks at Member States Briefing on the Central African Republic, 16 September 2019: https://www.unocha.org/media-centre/statements-dercasg
- Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Central Africa, Special Representative François Louncény Fall (4 June 2019): https://dppa.un.org/en/security-council-briefing-situation-central-africa-special-representative-francois-lounceny-fall-1
- Secretary-General strongly condemns deadly attacks in Central African Republic, urging end to all violence by armed groups, commitment to peace accord (SG/SM/19593, 23 May 2019): https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/sgsm19593.doc.htm
- Secretary-General welcomes formation of government in Central African Republic consistent with political agreement for peace, reconciliation (SG/SM/19509, 23 March 2019): https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/sgsm19509.doc.htm
- Oral update on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic, Statement by Mr. Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, 40th Human Rights Council session, Item 10, Geneva, 20 March 2019: https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=24398
- Secretary-General congratulates Central African Republic on new peace agreement, asks partners to support ‘courageous steps’ (SG/SM/19454, 6 February 2019): https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/sgsm19454.doc.htm
- Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Central Africa, Special Representative François Louncény Fall (13 December 2018): https://dppa.un.org/en/security-council-briefing-situation-central-africa-special-representative-francois-lounceny-fall-0
Secretary-General calls on Central African Republic authorities to identify, prosecute those responsible for spate of deadly attacks (SG/SM/19348-PKO/758, 17 November 2018): https://www.un.org/press/en/2018/sgsm19348.doc.htm - Condemning deadly attack on peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic, Secretary-General urges swift justice for those responsible (SG/SM/19179-PKO/748, 24 August 2018): https://www.un.org/press/en/2018/sgsm19179.doc.htm
- Central African Republic: Crucial to prevent descent into communal violence – Zeid (9 May 2018): https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=23056
- Secretary-General, calling for justice, condemns deadly Attack against United Nations Base in Central African Republic, Nearby Killing of Civilians (SG/SM/18971-PKO/714, 3 April 2018): https://www.un.org/press/en/2018/sgm18971.doc.htm
- INTERVIEW: UN must stand by Central African Republic as long ‘as it needs support,’ says UN envoy (2 March 2018): https://news.un.org/en/interview/2018/03/1004012
- Condemning killing of peacekeeper in Central African Republic, Secretary-General warns attack could be war crime (SG/SM/18811-PKO/695, 4 December 2017): http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18811.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns deadly attack against United Nations peacekeepers in Central African Republic (SG/SM/18799-PKO/692, 26 November 2017): http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18799.doc.htm
- Secretary-General’s Remarks to National Assembly of Central African Republic (SG/SM/18769, 27 October 2017): http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18769.doc.htm
- Secretary-General’s Remarks at Visit to PK5 Neighbourhood in Bangui (SG/SM/18768, 27 October 2017): http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18768.doc.htm
- Secretary-General’s Remarks to Muslim Community at “Petit Séminaire” in Bangassou, Central African Republic (SG/SM/18765, 25 October 2017): https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18765.doc.htm
- Secretary‑General commends peacekeepers at Central African Republic Camp for courage in protecting civilians after deadly attack on colleagues (SG/SM/18763-PKO/680, 25 October 2017): https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18763.doc.htm
- Secretary-General’s Remarks at a Reception for United Nations Day in Central African Republic (SG/SM/18762-OBV/1749-ORG/1660, 24 October 2017): https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18762.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, at wreath-laying ceremony, honours sacrifice of peacekeepers, stressing need to fully appreciate their heroic contribution (SG/SM/18761-PKO/679, 24 October 2017): https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18761.doc.htm
- Statement by Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, on his visit to the Central African Republic (11 October 2017): https://bit.ly/2yPfm3O
- Meeting on the Central African Republic at UN General Assembly, 19 September 2017 – Summary of the Co-chairs (Note to correspondents): https://bit.ly/2iCBxnv
- Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien – Statement to Member States on his 16-21 July 2017 mission to the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (7 August 2017): https://bit.ly/2y951jW
- Condemning killing of peacekeepers in Central African Republic, Secretary-General expresses deep concern that unrest threatens gains towards lasting peace (SG/SM/18626-PKO/656, 26 July 2017): https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18626.doc.htm
- Secretary-General condemns killing of peacekeeper in Central African Republic, expresses deep concern over continued fighting (SG/SM/18622, 23 July 2017): https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18622.doc.htm
- Statement of Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmour at the end of his mission to the Central African Republic (31 May 2017): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=21679
- Zeid alarmed by increasing violence, killings, in Central African Republic (16 May 2017): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=21621
- Secretary-General strongly condemns Anti-Balaka attacks against civilians, peacekeepers in Central African Republic (SG/SM/18518-PKO/640, 14 May 2017): http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18518.doc.htm
- Secretary-General strongly condemns attack against United Nations Peacekeepers in Central African Republic as possible war crime (SG/SM/18514-PKO/638, 9 May 2017): http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sgsm18514.doc.htm
- Following deadly clashes in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls for rival armed groups to end violence immediately (SG/SM/18311-AFR/3494, 28 November 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm18311.doc.htm
- Deputy Secretary-General Remarks to Brussels Conference on Central African Republic (DSG/SM/1028-AFR/3489, 17 November 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/dsgsm1028.doc.htm [FR]
- Deputy Secretary-General Remarks to National Assembly of Central African Republic (DSG/SM/1026-AFR/3479, 2 November 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/dsgsm1026.doc.htm [FR]
- Condemning deadly violence in Central African Republic, Secretary-General says such actions must not undermine work of rebuilding nation (SG/SM/18231-AFR/3476, 25 October 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm18231.doc.htm
- Deputy Secretary-General’s Remarks at Briefing on Central African Republic (DSG/SM/1025-AFR/3474, 21 October 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/dsgsm1025.doc.htm
- Secretary-General condemns killing of peacekeeper in Central African Republic, calling such attacks ‘unacceptable’ (SG/SM/17887-AFR/3403, 27 June 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm17887.doc.htm
- Interview with Aurélien Agbénonci: “Central Africans need now to get together and start rebuilding their country in peace and tolerance” (25 May 2016): https://bit.ly/3iexvfE
- Condemning death of peacekeeper in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls for new government to ensure perpetrators face justice (SG/SM/17683-AFR/3361-PKO/571, 18 April 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm17683.doc.htm
- Investigations under way into “sickening” allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by peace-keepers in CAR (31 March 2016): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=18548
- In Op-Ed, UN envoy details Organization’s measures to root out sexual exploitation in its peace missions (30 March 2016): http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=53578
- ‘Shocked to the core’ by latest abuse allegations in Central African Republic, Secretary-General pledges to relentlessly confront scourge, aid victims (SG/SM/17643-AFR/3355-PKO/569, 31 March 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm17643.doc.htm
- INTERVIEW: Days of ‘silence’ on sexual exploitation and abuse are over, says UN envoy in Central African Republic (16 March 2016): http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=53461
- Following announcement of election results in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls on leaders to maintain constructive atmosphere (SG/SM/17556-AFR/3327, 21 February 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm17556.doc.htm
- Secretary-General calls on all stakeholders to ensure peaceful, credible presidential elections in Central African Republic (SG/SM/17537-AFR/3323, 13 February 2016): http://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sgsm17537.doc.htm
- More allegations of sexual abuse of children by foreign soldiers in the Central African Republic (29 January 2016): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16995
- Secretary-General urges peaceful, credible polls as Central African Republic prepares to elect President, Legislature (SG/SM/17438-AFR/3295, 29 December 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17438.doc.htm
- Secretary-General vows fast action after report finds misuse of authority in United Nations Response to Central African Republic abuse claims (SG/SM/17425-AFR/3291-HR/5285, 17 December 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17425.doc.htm
- Comment by High Commissioner Zeid on the CAR review report (17 December 2015): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16902
- Secretary-General urges peaceful, credible holding of Constitutional Referendum in Central African Republic (SG/SM/17411-AFR/3289, 12 December 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17411.doc.htm
- CAR: Zeid warns against risk of further violence as elections approach (11 December 2015): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16867
- Thwart attempts to disrupt political transition in Central African Republic, Secretary-General urges all stakeholders, at African Union Summit (SG/SM/17359-AFR/3273, 25 November 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17359.doc.htm
- Condemning killing of United Nations Peacekeeper in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls for armed groups to immediately relinquish weapons (SG/SM/17315-AFR/3262-PKO/538, 10 November 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17315.doc.htm
- Secretary-General condemns killing of peacekeeper in Central African Republic capital, reiterates call on armed groups to end fighting (SG/SM/17193-AFR/3234-PKO/527, 7 October 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17193.doc.htm
- Without resources to address security, stabilization needs, Central African Republic risks backslide into protracted conflict, Secretary-General says (SG/SM/17173-AFR/3227, 1 October 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17173.doc.htm
- Secretary-General deplores deadly violent attacks in Central African Republic, urges authorities to keep political process on track (SG/SM/17142-AFR/3221, 28 September 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17142.doc.htm
- Opening remarks by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein at a press conference in the Central African Republic (Bangui, 4 September 2015): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16383
- UN human rights chief deplores new allegation of sexual abuse in CAR (Bangui/Geneva, 3 September 2015): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16375
- Statement by the High Commissioner to an International seminar on the fight against impunity in Central African Republic (2 September 2015): http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16372
- Full Transcript of Secretary-General’s remarks to press on the Central African Republic (New York, 12 August 2015): http://www.un.org/sg/offthecuff/index.asp?nid=4046
- Secretary-General, saddened by peacekeepers’ deaths in Central African Republic, offers condolences, confirms investigation under way (SG/SM/17002-AFR/3193-PKO/510, 8 August 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm17002.doc.htm
- Secretary-General condemns killing of peacekeeper in Central African Republic, calls for swiftly bringing perpetrators to justice (SG/SM/16984-AFR/3187-PKO/507, 2 August 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16984.doc.htm
- Secretary-General appoints independent review panel on un response to allegations of sexual abuse by foreign military forces in Central African Republic (SG/SM/16864-SG/A/1578, 22 June 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16864.doc.htm
- In Message to Central African Security Forum, Secretary-General calls for regional action on armed groups, criminal activity (SG/SM/16821-AFR/3153, 4 June 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16821.doc.htm
- Secretary-General to set up external review to examine United Nations handling of sexual abuse allegations in Central African Republic (SG/SM/16817-AFR/3149, 3 June 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16817.doc.htm
- Zeid urges further investigation into human rights violations by international forces in Central African Republic (30 May 2015): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16025
- Secretary-General commends Central African Republic for adopting peace, reconciliation pact at Bangui National Forum (SG/SM/16739-AFR/3131, 11 May 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16739.doc.htm
- Secretary-General provides update on sexual abuse investigation in Central African Republic (SG/SM/16721-HR/5251, 29 April 2015): http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16721.doc.htm
- Secretary-General ‘appalled’ by attack causing first peacekeeper death in Central African Republic, condemns killing of Blue Helmets as ‘entirely unacceptable’ (SG/SM/16247-AFR/2988-PKO/446, 9 October 2014): http://www.un.org/press/en/2014/sgsm16247.doc.htm
- Secretary-General says we have opportunity to help Central African Republic, ‘and an obligation to act’, at High-Level Meeting (SG/SM/16215-AFR/2979, 26 September 2014): http://www.un.org/press/en/2014/sgsm16215.doc.htm
- Communiqué on High-Level Meeting on Central African Republic (SG/2208, 26 September 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sg2208.doc.htm
- Secretary-General welcomes authority transfer in Central African Republic from African-led to UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Force (SG/SM/16143-AFR/2967, 14 September 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm16143.doc.htm
- Secretary-General’s Message to Forum for National Reconciliation in Central African Republic (SG/SM/16043-AFR/2939, 21 July 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm16043.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, condemning recent attacks in Central African Republic, urges transitional authority to prevent further violence, ensure accountability (SG/SM/15888-AFR/2904, 29 May 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15888.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, at Document-Handover Ceremony, pledges United Nations aid, expertise to restore peace in Central African Republic (SG/SM/15809-AFR/2874, 29 April 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15809.doc.htm
- Don’t let extremists destroy children’s future, says Secretary-General in Radio Appeal to People of Central African Republic (SG/SM/15787-AFR/2867, 17 April 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15787.doc.htm
- A ticket out of misery / by Ban Ki-moon (In: The Washington Post, 14 April 2014): http://www.un.org/sg/articles/articleFull.asp?TID=138&Type=Op-Ed&h=0
- Viewpoint: Central African Republic ‘must not become another Rwanda’ / by Ban Ki-moon (BBC Africa website, 10 April 2014): http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-26982136
- Calling for end to violence, Secretary-General welcomes new mission in Central African Republic (SG/SM/15765-AFR/2856-PKO/394, 10 April 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm15765.doc.htm
- Citing atrocities, ‘total impunity’ in Central African Republic, Secretary-General warns against repeat of Rwanda 20 years later (SG/SM/15751-AFR/2850, 5 April 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm15751.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, at Meeting on Central African Republic, stresses ‘we have the opportunity to reverse course’ (SG/SM/15742-AFR/2847, 2 April 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15742.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, condemning latest violence in Central African Republic, stresses need for list naming those who undermine peace, stability (SG/SM/15737-AFR/2845, 31 March 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15737.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, before meeting religious leaders, urges Security Council to authorize Peacekeeping Operation for Central African Republic (SG/SM/15707-AFR/2836, 13 March 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm15707.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, in Message, tells people of Central African Republic ‘You are not alone, many are working for peace in your country’ (SG/SM/15660-AFR/2824, 21 February 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15660.doc.htm
- Secretary-General urges Security Council, Member States to implement his Six-Point Initiative on Central African Republic as ‘integrated whole’ (SG/SM/15655-SC/11289-AFR/2820, 20 February 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm15655.doc.htm
- Deputy Secretary-General tells Pledging Conference for Central African Republic Mission ‘We must not fail to prevent another huge tragedy in Africa’ (DSG/SM/741-AFR/2808, 1 February 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/dsgsm741.doc.htm
- Secretary-General welcomes efforts to put Central African Republic’s transition back on track (SG/SM/15622-AFR/2805, 28 January 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15622.doc.htm
- Central African Republic at a critical juncture, warns Pillay (News Centre, 27 January 2014): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=14197
- Secretary-General announces Members of Central African Republic Commission of Inquiry to investigate events since 1 January 2013 (SG/A/1451-AFR/2799, 22 January 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sga1451.doc.htm
- Secretary-General welcomes election of Catherine Samba Panza in Central African Republic as Head of State of Transition, chance to put process back on track (SG/SM/15597-AFR/2798, 20 January 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm15597.doc.htm
- With Central African Republic in ‘free fall’, Secretary-General, in Message, urges all to pull it back from brink (SG/SM/15593-AFR/2797, 20 January 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/sgsm15593.doc.htm
- Statement by Ms. Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the Situation of Human Rights in the Central African Republic – Geneva, 20 January 2014 (20 January 2014): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=14181&LangID=E
- Secretary-General, in Message to Extraordinary Summit on Central African Republic, says ‘distrust high and violence has fuelled thirst for revenge’ (SG/SM/15575-AFR/2791-REC/255, 9 January 2014): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2014/sgsm15575.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, appalled by deadly violence in Central African Republic, stresses need to hold perpetrators of atrocities accountable (SG/SM/15561-AFR/2782, 26 December 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15561.doc.htm
- Horrific cycle of sectarian violence in Central African Republic must stop, Secretary-General tells Ministerial Meeting (SG/SM/15553-AFR/2778, 22 December 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15553.doc.htm
- Urgent, sustained national and international efforts needed to avert disaster in Central African Republic – Pillay (News Centre, 20 December 2013): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=14134&LangID=E
- Bloodshed in Central African Republic must stop, Secretary-General Stresses, calling on Transitional Authorities to ensure protection of citizens (SG/SM/15540-AFR/2767, 13 December 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15540.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, ‘profoundly alarmed’ at escalating intercommunal violence in Central African Republic, appeals urgently for restraint (SG/SM/15526-AFR/2760, 6 December 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15526.doc.htm
- USG/ERC Valerie Amos on the worsening humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic (6 December 2013): https://docs.unocha.org/sites/dms/Documents/VA%20on%20CAR_EN_6Dec2013.pdf
- Concerned over grave situation in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls for urgent action to deploy African, French Forces (SG/SM/15522-AFR/2757, 5 December 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15522.doc.htm
- Confrontation could spark conflagration in Central African Republic, warns Deputy Secretary-General, spelling out options for international support (DSG/SM/727-SC/11189-AFR/2755, 25 November 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/dsgsm727.doc.htm
- Urgent action needed to pull Central African Republic out of crisis, Secretary-General says in message to International Contact Group (SG/SM/15458-AFR/2747, 8 November 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15458.doc.htm
- Pillay warns violence in Central African Republic may spin out of control (News Centre, 8 November 2013): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=13966&LangID=E
- Secretary-General condemns increased attacks on civilians in Central African Republic, calls for restraint, protection of human rights (SG/SM/15373-AFR/2715, 6 October 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm15373.doc.htm
- Statement by Mr. Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, and Ms. Jennifer Welsh, United Nations Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect, on the situation in the Central African Republic (1 October 2013): https://bit.ly/2Km2mdU
- Secretary-General strongly condemns violence against civilians amid worsening security, humanitarian conditions in Central African Republic (SG/SM/14950-AFR/2598, 16 April 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm14950.doc.htm
- Pillay urges action to halt violations and lawlessness in Central African Republic (News Centre, 16 April 2013): http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=13230&LangID=E
- Secretary-General calls for rapid restoration of constitutional order in Central African Republic, says UN determined to help find durable solution to crisis (SG/SM/14921-AFR/2587, 3 April 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm14921.doc.htm
- Condemning seizure of power in Central African Republic, Secretary-General calls for swift return to constitutional order (SG/SM/14905-AFR/2585, 25 March 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm14905.doc.htm
- Secretary-General, deeply concerned by reports of renewed fighting in Central African Republic, urges Séléka Movement to halt military offensive (SG/SM/14901-AFR/2584, 22 March 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm14901.doc.htm
- Secretary-General hails Central African Republic’s Government of National Unity (SG/SM/14798-AFR/2510, 5 February 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm14798.doc.htm
- Secretary-General urges full implementation of Libreville Peace Accords by all parties in Central African Republic (SG/SM/14765-AFR/2505, 15 January 2013): http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/sgsm14765.doc.htm
- UN Member States on the Record: Central African Republic
United Nations Member States on the Record provides access to selected documents reflecting the views of United Nations Member States.
Selected Articles in UN Journals
- Central African Republic: killings in the time of transition (Africa Renewal, April 2014):
- BINUCA – United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (1 January 2010 – 10 April 2014): https://binuca.unmissions.org/en
- MINURCAT – United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (September 2007 – December 2010)
https://peacekeeping.un.org/sites/default/files/past/minurcat/index.shtml - BONUCA – United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in the Central African Republic (February 2000 – 2009)
https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/content/repertoire/political-missions-and-offices#cat1 - MINURCA – United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (April 1998 – February 2000)
- The Humanitarian (formerly “IRIN News”) – Central African Republic: http://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/africa/east-africa/central-african-republic
- African Union – Central African Republic
http://www.peaceau.org/en/resource/94-theme-conflicts- International Support Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA)
- International Support Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA)
- Security Council Report – Central African Republic
http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/central-african-republic/ - Brussels Conference for the Central African Republic, 17 November 2016
not an official document – for information only