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Shaping strategic priorities for an inclusive digital transformation (UNCDF)


When: 25 October 2023, 2.00 – 3.00PM CEST

Register to attend online
Register to attend in person.

Join UNCDF for the launch of the 4th edition of the Inclusive Digital Economies Scorecard (IDES).

Honorable Minister Felix Mutati, Minister of Technology & Science of ZambiaThe event will introduce the scorecards of 25 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific with an in-depth discussion with Honorable Minister FelixMutati, Minister of Technology & Science of Zambia.  The Honorable Minister of Zambia will share his country’s remarkable journey in catalyzing its digital transformation across diverse sectors of the economy. He will emphasize the pivotal role played by the IDES data in shaping the country’s priorities for policy and strategy formulation.

After the opening by Mr.Sandro Bazzanella, the director of the EU Digital for Development (D4D) Hub, you will learn more about the scorecard and how other countries have used the tool to accompany their transformation. A specific focus will be given during the event on bringing women at the centre of the digital transformation process.

To join us for this hybrid event with an in-person venue in Brussels, Bd du Regent 37-40, (Metro Arts Loi), please register with the buttons below.

As seats are limited, please register to attend in person before Monday, 23 October at noon (CEST), you will receive a separate confirmation after you register.

