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How to Create and Finance Women-led Green Public Spaces (Cities Alliance)

UN House, Boulevard du Regent, 37-40, Brussels
Join in-person, or online.

The planning, implementation, and management of green and inclusive public spaces are essential for improving the well-being of women, girls, and other vulnerable groups, as well as for creating resilient cities and communities.

When public spaces are designed together with women to meet their needs, both physical and social barriers are reduced, opening up new socio-economic opportunities for everyone.

While this is widely recognized, challenges remain in terms of designing, funding and executing environmentally friendly and gender-responsive urban infrastructure. These challenges include financial and technical limitations within the public sector, necessitating innovative partnerships and solutions to mobilize resources and enhance design and construction processes.

This event will delve into financial instruments within both the private and public sectors that support cities in implementing green and gender-sensitive public spaces and infrastructure.

It will showcase Cities Alliance and partners’ examples from South Asia and the MENA regions, such as municipal investment projects in Tunisia and a new gender and climate-related programme in Nepal.


  • Thuli Madonsela, Chair of the Management Board, Cities Alliance
  • Eloisa Astudillo, Deputy Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation in Nepal
  • Ian Hoskins, Deputy Head of Unit, South and South-East Asia, DG INTPA, European Commission
  • Frédéric Audras, Head of Urban Development, Planning and Housing Unit,  AFD
  • Sophie de Coninck, Global Manager, LoCAL Initiative, UNCDF
  • Xavier Palacin Dominguez, PMO Senior Officer, UNOPS Nepal
  • Giulia Maci, Euro-Mediterranean Programme Manager, Cities Alliance


  • San Bilal, Senior Executive – Associate Director Sustainable Economies and Climate Action, ECDPM



