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Academic seminar on the Adaptation of Agriculture to water scarcity


When: 18 October, 14:00 -17:40
Where: Auditoires Montesquieu (MONT 01), Rue Montesquieu 2, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Click here to join the seminar online

Co-organised by Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Circle U. European University Alliance, Agro-Louvain, Earth and Life Institute, Louvain4Water and Unesco-IHP Belgian chapter

With the technical support by FAO Brussels Liaison Office.

This event aims to reflect on the current evidence on addressing water scarcity in the agricultural sector and to come up with a priority agenda for future research.

Reference will be made to The Global Framework for Action to Cope with Water Scarcity in Agriculture in the Context of Climate Change (WASAG). This is a Partnership hosted by FAO and consisting of government agencies, international organizations, research institutions, advocacy groups and professional/membership organizations. WASAG fosters collaboration among its partners for the development and deployment of policies, strategies, and programmes, enhancing field capacity for the adaptation of agriculture to water scarcity.

A first panel will reflect on the situation in Belgium, a second panel will zoom out and consider the international state-of-play.

In Belgium, a large population inhabiting a small area and water-intensive sectors in agriculture and industry lead to a high water consumption. Moreover, excessive paving in urban areas, canals and drainage pipes prevent water from soaking into the soil. Climate change is also causing longer periods of drought alternating with heavy rainfall. These factors make Belgium vulnerable to water scarcity and drought. At different policy levels, action is undertaken, i.e. the national Climate Adaptation Plan, the Flemish Blue Deal and the Walloon Committee of Climate Experts.

At international level, 2023 was an important year for water action. In March, the UN Water Conference resulted in a global Water Action Agenda, where commitments for accelerated implementation and improved impact on SDG 6[1] are gathered. In July, the FAO Conference adopted water as the biannual theme for the Organization’s work in 2024-25.

The event will be held in English.

