The results include the UN Child Right’s Committee’s main concerns and recommendations on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Finland, as well as positive aspects.
The committee’s recommendations emphasize great concern about the realization of the rights of children in the most vulnerable position. According to the committee, such children include children placed outside the home, disabled children, and asylum seeker and refugee children. The committee also encourages Finland to take more specific measures to prevent marginalization and violence.

The committee also urges Finland to ensure that climate policy and actions take into account the urgency of action brought out by children and young people in their own views. In addition, Finland is urged to assess the possible effects of climate action on the realization of the rights of children, especially Sámi children.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has been in force in Finland since 1991. Its implementation is monitored by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which, based on the country’s country reports, gives recommendations and comments to the country so that the rights of the child are better realized.
For further information see here.