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The Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction


Deadline: 6 March 2022

The call for nominations for the 2022 United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction is open, under the theme “Building resilience through a multi-hazard approach.”

Submit nominations by 6 March 2022. Nominations are to be submitted online, hard copy applications are not accepted.

The central theme for the Sasakawa Award 2022 is “Building resilience through a multi-hazard approach.” Since the 2019 Sasakawa Award, the world has changed. The COVID-19 pandemic, a global disaster of epic proportions, continues to affect millions of people, with devastating economic and social impact.

The Sasakawa Award focuses on the promotion of inclusive and resilient approaches in disaster risk reduction, reflecting the centrality of inclusiveness and resilience in the Sendai Framework. The 2022 Sasakawa Award will honor practices and efforts made by institutions, individuals and groups that have best contributed to building resilience through a multi-hazard approach.

Candidates should be among individuals or groups who are already working in the field of disaster risk reduction and are able to present their achievements.

It is possible to nominate an individual or an institution such as a community group, civil society organization, government agency at local or national level, NGO or private sector entity for this Award.

The winners of the Sasakawa Award receive a prize, in most cases accompanied by a grant. The amount of the grant shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.


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