The Government of Finland has reaffirmed its commitment to the most vulnerable children and youth living in Lebanon with a EUR 3,700,000 grant. UNICEF, through this commitment, is working on ensuring that boys, girls and young people have the right to education and protection.
This contribution will focus on the integrated package of services for the most vulnerable children through UNICEF innovative programme the Multi-Service Community Centres approach (MSCC).
This approach will support out-of-school marginalized children and their families and communities access multiple services in one centre (education, child protection, adolescent and youth engagement, social assistance and health and nutrition), with referrals to additional specialized services as needed. These services will ensure children and youth continue to learn and will contribute to greater social cohesion, while providing a protective environment for all children.
“In the current context of compounding crises in Lebanon, the most vulnerable children are being left behind. The situation affects just about every aspect of children’s lives, which is why it is necessary to address the wellbeing of children in a comprehensive manner in addition to securing their right to education,” says H.E. Ms. Anne Meskanen, Ambassador of Finland to Lebanon.
“Through this new contribution, we will continue to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable children and adolescents, including children with disabilities by providing protection, social assistance, education and skill-building services for a better future,” said Edouard Beigbeder, UNICEF Representative in Lebanon. “The government of Finland has been generously supporting UNICEF’s integrated wellbeing packages since 2018 and we are grateful for their continuous support of our work with children and families in need”.
Through the Multi-Service Community Centres UNICEF will reach the most vulnerable children, adolescents, and youth which includes street-connected children, children involved in child labour, children at risk of or in early marriages, out of school children, girls, and children and adolescents across Lebanon. These centres will provide a range of services including skills building programmes, community-based child protection support, and learning support services with a community-based approach. They will enhance children’s full growth and welfare, along with their physical, social, and emotional well-being in a safe and protected environment.