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The Cleaners

by Hans Block & Moritz Riesewieck

UNRIC and the Human Rights Regional Office for Europe invited you to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the screening of: ‘The Cleaners’

The Cleaners film cover
Runtime: 90′

Enter the shadow industry of digital cleaning to meet five “digital scavengers”. Their job, like thousands of others outsourced by Silicone Valley, is to delete “inappropriate” content off the internet. In a parallel struggle, we meet people around the globe whose lives are dramatically affected by online censorship. A typical “cleaner” must observe and rate thousands of often deeply disturbing images and videos every day, leading to lasting psychological impacts. Yet underneath their work lie profound questions: what makes an image art or propaganda? What defines journalism? Where is the point of balance for social media to be neither an unlegislated space nor a forum rife with censorship?

For more on the film, click here.

The film was followed by a panel discussion.

UN Cinema News


Ciné-ONU screening of “Raise the Bar” to mark the International Day of the Girl Child

9 October - To mark the International Day of the Girl Child, the United Nations, the European Week of Action for Girls' Coalition, the Embassy of Iceland and the European Commission present "Raise the Bar", by Gudjon Ragnarsson.

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