The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has contributed SEK 25 million (US$2.44 million) in flexible funding to UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC). This generous contribution will ensure that thousands of vulnerable children and women have access to urgent lifesaving basic services.
Sweden has long demonstrated its commitment to child rights in Yemen. Sweden’s generous support enabled UNICEF to allocate resources where they are most needed for the most vulnerable children, enabling both immediate action and longer-term planning for critical humanitarian interventions.
“Eight years of conflict have left 12.9 million children in need of one or more forms of humanitarian assistance,” said Peter Hawkins, UNICEF Representative to Yemen. “We thank Sweden for its generous and sustained support to Yemeni children through flexible funding. It enables us to continue our efforts to meet the needs of children in Yemen.”
Flexible resources enable UNICEF to fill urgent response gaps and to respond in a timely, agile, and relevant manner to address the critical and evolving needs on the ground.