UNHCR welcomes the recent contribution of $1 million towards UNHCR’s protection and assistance programmes. The funding will support vulnerable displaced persons in Iraq. This is in addition to $1.17 million previously granted towards UNHCR operations in Iraq. It brings Sweden’s total contribution in 2020 by Sweden to $2.23 million.
Many communities include refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees, as well as host communities are struggling through a dire economic downturn. Communities in Iraq were expecting stability and recovery. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged and has further impacted vulnerable communities. UNHCR and its partners moved promptly to adjust the response accordingly. They have ensured that much needed humanitarian operations have continued. This adjustment would not have been possible without the flexibility and generosity of donor countries, including Sweden.
Flexible funding

UN Photo/Bikem Ekberzade
Flexible funding was vital again this month as UNHCR ramps up support to Iraqi returnees. This happens amid the large-scale closure of the Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps. Together with partners, UNHCR accelerated its programme to release seasonal cash assistance to help newly returning families meet their immediate needs. This is important in the coming winter months. UNHCR also provides legal assistance to families to obtain civil and property documentation.
Mr. Lars Ronnås, the Ambassador of Sweden to Iraq stated: “Humanitarian needs increase in Iraq. Every woman, man, girl and boy living in a dire situation should be given a chance to improve their living conditions. Right now, UNHCR’s efforts to save lives and alleviate suffering are highly valuable and important”.
One of UNHCR´s biggest donors
“This generous and flexible contribution by the Kingdom of Sweden enables us to stand by vulnerable families when they need help the most, to provide them with the support and protection efficiently and in a timely manner,” said Philippa Candler, UNHCR’s Representative.
Sweden is one of UNHCR’s largest donors of unearmarked contributions. Such continued, unearmarked support from donors remains vital for millions of families as well as for stability and durable solutions in Iraq.