On 9 October, the United Nations Brussels Team joined a group of European researchers from the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) at a workshop designed to foster multidisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. For the first time, this annual platform brought together UN agencies, the European Commission, and international partners with scientists focused on projects related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The workshop provided an open forum for COST Action researchers, innovators, and key stakeholders to exchange ideas and explore collaborative solutions. Participants emphasized that scientific research is fundamental to addressing global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and inequality. Research lays the groundwork for innovative solutions that are crucial to advancing sustainable development. In her opening speech, Caroline Petit, Deputy Director of the United Nations Regional Information Center for Europe (UNRIC), said, “We need sound policies, sound science, and strong public support if we are to overcome the daunting crises we face. None of us can do it alone. A multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving is essential, and COST Connect offers a platform to showcase scientific solutions and engagement. Combining all this expertise should ensure that the complementarities between different SDGs are better reflected in policymaking related to research and innovation.”
During the event, approximately 30 COST Actions demonstrated the diversity and depth of their interdisciplinary knowledge. The workshop highlighted the importance of multi- and transdisciplinary approaches, which integrate various scientific fields to tackle sustainability challenges and drive progress toward the SDGs.
What the UN and Scientists Can Achieve Together
One young scientist presented her initiative on Sand and Dust Storms. The primary objective of the COST Project “International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products (inDust)” is to create a collaborative network linking research institutions, service providers, and end users of airborne dust information. This network aims to support various socio-economic sectors affected by elevated levels of airborne mineral dust.
Synergies with the United Nations include collaborative advocacy efforts around the International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms, as well as capacity-building initiatives in Europe and globally. These efforts could involve partnerships with international organizations and UN agencies such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP). These research efforts contributed to the establishment of a new international day, observed on 12 July: the International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms (A/RES/77/294).
Partnerships Around the SDGs
The involvement of UNRIC and UNESCO representatives brought valuable perspectives to this policy-research dialogue. Scientific literacy not only empowers communities to engage with evidence-based knowledge but also promotes informed decision-making and strengthens public trust in science.
A closer partnership between UN specialized agencies — such as UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UN Women, and UNEP — and the EU’s interdisciplinary research networks holds great potential for advancing the SDGs. The UN’s global mandate, combined with the EU’s established research infrastructure, can harness diverse expertise to address shared global challenges. Scientific literacy empowers communities, promotes evidence-based decision-making, and strengthens trust in science.
The Science Decade, 2024-2033
The pivotal role of science in achieving the 17 SDGs is widely recognized and regularly emphasized in key international forums, including the Science Summit at the UN General Assembly. In August 2023, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the resolution on the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development 2024-2033. Led by UNESCO, this Decade aims to mobilize global scientific collaboration to produce actionable knowledge and solutions that balance economic, environmental, and social objectives.
Irina Pavlova-Depret, Project Officer at UNESCO, stressed that “a closer partnership between the UN, UNESCO, and COST holds immense potential for advancing the SDGs. UNESCO’s global mandate and COST’s established interdisciplinary research networks could work together to bring diverse expertise to bear on shared challenges.”