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Princess Sofia of Sweden on the frontline of COVID-19

Princess Sofia of Sweden has started working as a volunteer at the Sophiahemmet hospital in Stockholm to assist in the provision of emergency medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Princess Sofia is not only Sophia’s honorary chair but now also works with us,” the hospital confirmed on Instagram. “This is after having completed our basic nursing education, which has been developed to relieve the now severely strained healthcare staff.”

The Princess did a three-day online course last week. This training was also given to many former SAS employees who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 crisis. She will not take care of patients directly but will help with non-medical basic routines and tasks, including disinfecting materials.

Princess Sofia, 35, born Sofia Hellqvist, is no stranger to helping people in vulnerable situations. She grew up in Stockholm and started volunteering in South Africa, Senegal and Ghana as a teenager and her work has since been driven by her passion for children and young people.

She is also one of the founders of Project Playground which advocates for the rights of children and young people around the world and which also contributes to achieving Agenda 2030. And now we see her stepping in to assist during one of the biggest crises of our time.


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