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OPCW-The Hague Award 2023


Deadline: 1 September 2023

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the City of The Hague have launched the 2023 OPCW-The Hague Award. Created in 2014 as a continuation of the OPCW’s 2013 Nobel Peace Prize legacy, the Award recognises those who have significantly contributed to a world free of chemical weapons. The recipients, encompassing academia, chemical industry, civil society, and research institutions, are those making significant strides in areas linked to the Chemical Weapons Convention. These include preventing the re-emergence of chemical weapons, supporting national implementation of the Convention, promoting peaceful chemistry, preventing chemical terrorism, preparing for chemical incidents, promoting universality and awareness of the Convention, supporting chemical weapon victims, eliminating chemical weapons, and driving the successful conclusion of the Convention.

The total cash prize of €90,000 may be divided among up to three recipients. Nominations will be accepted until 1 September 2023, and will be evaluated by a panel consisting of representatives from the OPCW, the City of The Hague, the Executive Council of the OPCW, the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The award ceremony is set to take place during the annual Conference of the States Parties in The Hague from 27 November to 1 December 2023.

Established in collaboration with the City of The Hague, an international hub for peace and justice, the Award recognises significant contributions towards a safer world. The OPCW, with 193 member states, is the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention and oversees global efforts to permanently eliminate chemical weapons. To date, over 99% of all declared chemical weapon stockpiles have been destroyed under OPCW verification.


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