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Nuclear Safety Essay Competition


Deadline: 31 July 2021

Are you a student or young professional? Passionate and interested about nuclear safety? The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have the perfect opportunity for you!

Take part in the IAEA’s essay competition for a chance to be a youth panellist at the International Conference on a Decade of Progress after Fukushima-Daiichi: Building on the Lessons Learned to Further Strengthen Nuclear Safety, to be held at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, from 8-12 November 2021. Through this essay contest, and a special youth panel, the Agency will incorporate the voices of today’s youth into the outcomes of this important gathering.

“Young people have a role to play in the future of nuclear science and technology for which safety is of paramount importance. Listening to the next generation and learning more about their innovative ideas and opinions is important and is one of the main reasons why the IAEA is eager to have them join global experts. I invite young people to take part in this competition and share how nuclear safety can become more robust in the coming decades,” said Lydie Evrard, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security.

Those with a background and/or an interest in nuclear safety are encouraged to submit an essay answering one of the questions pertaining to the topics in discussion at the conference, including the future of power generation and nuclear power; how stakeholders can build trust and demonstrate nuclear power is safer than ever; technological advancements relevant to safety; and increasing awareness for youth about opportunities in the nuclear industry.

Students and young professionals between 18 and 30 years old are eligible to take part in the competition. Submissions must be in English and the deadline to submit an essay is Saturday, 31 July 2021. Women and nationals from developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply.

The essay competition winners will be announced in August 2021 and finalists will be given a special acknowledgment in the conference President’s Report. The IAEA will provide financial support for the winners to travel to and participate in the conference.


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