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No Burqas Behind Bars

by Nima Sarvestani

No Burqas behind bars film poster“In the Takhar Prison in Afghanistan, 40 women are serving time for ‘moral crimes’. Their sentences range up to 15 years for leaving abusive husbands, refusing to consent to arranged marriages, or falling in love with men that their families deem unsuitable. With unprecedented access to this rarely, if ever, seen world, director Sarvestani captures life in the raw. ”

With special guest:

John Hendra – UN Women Deputy Executive Director for Policy and Programme

UN Cinema News


Ciné-ONU screening of “Raise the Bar” to mark the International Day of the Girl Child

9 October - To mark the International Day of the Girl Child, the United Nations, the European Week of Action for Girls' Coalition, the Embassy of Iceland and the European Commission present "Raise the Bar", by Gudjon Ragnarsson.

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