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Migrants4Climate Award 2023

Deadline: 15 September 2023

Recognizing the Contributions of Migrants and Diasporas to Climate Action

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and the Global Forum on Migration and Development today launched the call for nominations for the Migrant4Climate (M4C) Award 2023 showcasing the contributions of migrants and diasporas to combating climate change.

The winner will join the CVF delegation, at the 2023 Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 28) in Dubai and will benefit from exposure to numerous partner events and activities.

M4C Award will identify through a competitive process innovative initiatives and projects that have been implemented by migrants or with migrants’ and diasporas’ involvement that contribute to climate action.

M4C Award emphasizes migration in the context of slow-onset impacts of climate change such as extreme heat, desertification, sea level rise, loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, and ocean acidification.

Selection will be based on the “4Is”: Inclusion, Innovation, Impact, and Inspiration. These parameters evaluate nominees on their engagement with migrant communities, creativity in sustainable solutions, tangible positive results in climate action, and their visionary approach to fostering partnerships in tackling climate adversities.

The climate emergency is a defining reality of our present and future. Across the world, climate impacts reshape migration patterns everywhere. While no one should be compelled to move, nor experience hardships and danger while on the move, migration is also a story of hope, resilience, and opportunities.

The contributions of migrants and diasporas to our societies are numerous and varied. We must recognize their role in driving positive change for climate action and environmental sustainability.

The Migrants 4 Climate website is open for nominations until 15 September, 23:59 (UTC). The call urges entities globally to nominate deserving candidates and to champion the migrant and diaspora community’s efforts towards a sustainable tomorrow for all.


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