Although once again the scientific community has made clear this week that we are not doing enough to limit global warming to the crucial 1.5°C threshold, the findings of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, are not all doom, and gloom.
Following are eight positive takeaways from the IPCC report on mitigation.
Electric vehicles are on the rise

According to IPCC scientist Sudarmanto Budy Nugroho, investments in active transport infrastructure, combined with the deployment of electric micro-mobility – for example e-scooters and e-bikes – can further support greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
The IPCC highlights that sustainable biofuel can offer additional mitigation benefits in land-based transport, in the short and medium term.
Many mitigation strategies in the transport sector would have various co-benefits, including air quality improvements, health benefits, equitable access to transportation services, reduced congestion, and reduced material demand.
The cost is going down for low-emission technologies

According to the report, the unit costs of several low-emission technologies have fallen continuously since 2010.
„This can help us reduce emissions a lot. There exist options in all sectors to reduce emissions by half, by 2030”, author Masahiro Sugiyama explains.
To be more exact, from 2010 to 2019, solar energy costs have decreased 85 per cent, wind energy 55 per cent, and lithium-ion batteries, 85 per cent.
Mitigation Laws are expanding

By 2020, over 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions were covered by carbon taxes or emissions trading systems, although coverage and prices have been insufficient to achieve deep reductions.
Moreover, by 2020, there were ‘direct’ climate laws focused primarily on reductions in 56 countries covering 53% of global emissions.
In many countries, policies have enhanced energy efficiency, reduced rates of deforestation and accelerated technology deployment, leading to the avoidance of – and in some cases reduced or removed – emissions
It’s still possible to change industrial emissions

The experts say that net-zero carbon emissions from the industrial sector, while challenging on a significant scale, are still possible.
“Reducing industry emissions will entail coordinated action throughout value chains to promote all mitigation options”, the report explains.
To progress towards net zero, industries can take advantage of the new production processes using renewable energies, green hydrogen, biofuels and controlling carbon management.
Cities present a big opportunity for climate action

The report underlines that urban areas provide key opportunities for climate mitigation.
Some effective urban measures, include more walkable areas and greater renewable energy penetration.
“All of this is possible while cities improve air quality, increase job opportunities, expand urban green and blue infrastructure”, the IPCC author adds.
Economic measures are being deployed

The report notes that many regulatory and economic instruments have already been deployed successfully.
“These instruments could support deep emissions reductions and stimulate innovation if scaled up and applied more widely”, the authors explain.
According to the data, total tracked financial flows for climate mitigation and adaptation increased by up to 60% between 2013-14 and 2019-20, but average growth has slowed since 2018.
The authors note that economic instruments have been effective in reducing emissions, complemented by regulatory instruments mainly at the national and also sub-national and regional level.
“Fossil fuel subsidy removal is projected by various studies to reduce global CO2 emissions by 1-4%, and Greenhouse gas emissions by up to 10% by 2030, varying across regions”, the report says.
People care, and they’re engaged

The IPCC authors recognise in their assessment that many citizens around the world care about nature, and environmental protection, and are motivated to engage in climate action.
Linda Steg, one of the authors of the report says that many governments are currently struggling with the question of whether people will really support some radical changes. “This assessment report shows that public acceptability is higher when cost and benefits are distributed in a fair way, and when fair and transparent decision procedures have been followed”, the expert outlines.
CO2 removal is now essential to reach our goals – but its complicated…

The report shows that getting to net-zero greenhouse emissions requires more than emissions reductions, and involves an option called carbon dioxide removal (CDR).
“It involves removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it on land, in the ground or in the ocean”, explains author Masahiro Sugiyama.
Reforestation, improved forest management, soil carbon sequestration, peatland restoration and blue carbon management, are examples of methods that can enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
Likewise, ocean fertilisation, could lead to nutrient redistribution, restructuring of ecosystems, enhanced oxygen consumption and acidification in deeper waters.
Of course, much more remains to be done
Unless governments everywhere reassess their energy policies, the progress achieved won’t be enough to keep our planet out of harm’s way. The UN Secretary-General outlines it in a video message.
For further information see here and here.