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The International Migration Journal
The International Migration Journal is a refereed bimonthly scientific journal on migration and displacement issues as analyzed by demographers, economists, and sociologists from all over the world. IOM has supported the journal since 1961 but is not involved in its day-to-day running. The journal is edited by the Migration Research Centre at Koç University, Istanbul and published online by academic publisher, Wiley. The editors of the journal are Prof Ahmet İçduygu, Prof Jan Rath, Prof Deniz Sert and Dr Ayşen Üstübici.

Migration Policy Practice
Migration Policy Practice (MPP) focuses on policy-oriented research and analysis with the aim to contribute to a better understanding of the multidimensional aspects of migration and inform migration policies at the national, regional and international levels. The new editors (Marie McAuliffe, IOM; Charles Kwenin, University of Ghana; Richa Arora, GIZ) span the boundaries of migration scholarship, migration policy and migration practice with decades of experience in the field, including across diverse geographic and geopolitical settings.

Last update: 20 February 2024

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