The newsletter is a monthly account of our most important developments, meetings and publications. It also highlights upcoming events and activities. The newsletter is a convenient way to follow our work and stay in touch.
CTBTO Spectrum
Spectrum is the CTBTO periodic magazine which spotlights various topics relating to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) within the nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament framework.
Disarmament forum / Forum du désarmement
https://unidir.org/search/search?search=%22disarmement%20forum%22 (English & French)
Each issue of this quarterly, bilingual (English-French) journal, issued by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), focuses on a specific topic related to disarmament and security. Disarmament Forum offers essential, in-depth, up-to-date information and clear analysis written by experts, and targeted to researchers, diplomats, teachers, students and all those who have a strong interest in security, disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation. Each issue of Disarmament Forum is available on-line in its entirety.
UNODA Update (Quarterly)
The UNODA Update is a quarterly e-publication that highlights recent events and activities of the Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and other disarmament forums providing links to fuller material and documents available on the Office and related websites.
Last update: 23 November 2022