First contribution
Iceland joins forces with other donors, including the Nordics countries. Their support is focused on the promotion of free and pluralistic media development in developing countries. The predictable nature of the Icelandic support, that covers 4 years, is significant. It will allow for a better planning and effective implementation. The first-year contribution from Iceland will allow UNESCO to implement relevant projects to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is vital since freedom of speech and access to information are essential to face this crisis.
“Iceland is pleased to become a contributor to the IPDC at this point in time. We celebrate its 40th anniversary next week. Having strong and independent media is important to all societies. This is true especially now with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to working with the IPDC for the next four years. We are delighted to be contributing to the development of media and capacity building of media professionals” declared Ambassador Orradóttir-Ramette.
40th anniversary
Jean-Yves Le Saux stressed the importance of the predictable and flexible funding from Iceland. In addition IPDC secretary Guy Berger thanked Iceland for its support. He noted that the Programme marked its 40th anniversary on 24 November with an important role going ahead.
“Iceland’s support will help build the capacity of journalists in developing countries. They have an important role in supplying the public with reliable information by means of a strong and independent media sector. This is a key to countering the current infodemic”. He added: “All contributions to media development are appreciated and make a difference. However, we particularly value this multi-year commitment from Iceland.”