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I am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced

by Khadija Al-Salami

I am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced, film poster
Runtime: 96′

In 2009, the story of Yemeni teenager Nojoom Ali’s bid to legally extricate herself from an abusive, arranged marriage to a much older man (which took place when she was just 10 years old) made headlines. Khadija Al-Salami has beautifully adapted the subsequent bestseller into an emphatic drama that features a wonderful performance from Reham Mohammed as the young Ali, and a striking backdrop of Yemen’s astonishing mountain villages and ancient “skyscrapers.”

The film is in Arabic with English subtitles and has a run time of 96 minutes.

UN Cinema News


Ciné-ONU screening of “Raise the Bar” to mark the International Day of the Girl Child

9 October - To mark the International Day of the Girl Child, the United Nations, the European Week of Action for Girls' Coalition, the Embassy of Iceland and the European Commission present "Raise the Bar", by Gudjon Ragnarsson.

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