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Go Goals and the Sustainability Academy

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established in 2015, but with less than 10 years to achieve them, the time to act is now. The Sustainability Academy has been working with businesses and schools to increase their understanding of how they can play their part in achieving the SDGs. On 6 September 2021, the Academy will launch the KidsSDGs programme across 30 countries with the UN Regional Information Centre (UNRIC) Go Goals Game included in the initiative.

Children in classroom Umubano Academy in Rwanda
Umubano Academy in Rwanda

The Sustainability Academy was founded in 2020 from the realisation that whilst some organisations and businesses have a good understanding of the Goals and how to align them to their environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies, sustainability remains very much at the boardroom level. The Academy recognized that an opportunity was being missed to include the Goals as part of a framework and maximise impact by educating the wider workforce.

The Sustainability Academy’s ambition is to reach as many individuals as possible and create an accessible engaging experience which includes the Goals in everyday decision-making by educating participants in schools and businesses globally. The Academy has created a video to highlight the importance of achieving the #GlobalGoals.

A more sustainable future

The KidsSDGs programme will reach out to schools across 30 countries in collaboration with awarding organisation ABE. The overall aim of the KidsSDG programme is to engage and raise awareness of sustainability for future generations and equip students with the knowledge and information required to make positive changes in their own lives and those of others. It is a fully comprehensive enrichment programme providing teachers and schools with everything they need to embed sustainability firmly into the curriculum in a fun and engaging way.

KidsSDGs runs throughout the academic year with students learning all about the 17 SDGs, what we need to do to achieve them and what happens if we fail to deliver on them. The final stage of the programme will involve the students undertaking a project to demonstrate their awareness and commitment to the SDGs. The programme provides learners with a deeper understanding of global sustainability and will support their growth as global citizens, providing leaders of the future with the skills to create a more sustainable planet for all its inhabitants.

Go Goals

The Sustainability Academy has teamed up with UNRIC to include the Go Goals SDG Board Game in the programme and use it as an engagement tool for children to develop their knowledge on all things sustainable. Go Goals was created by the team at UNRIC as a way of teaching families and communities about sustainability and how they can achieve the SDGs.

Collaborating to achieve the SDGs

The collaboration with UNRIC will allow The Sustainability Academy to make a greater impact and help to engage more learners through the United Nations initiative.

The Sustainability Academy logo
The Sustainability Academy

Only by working together can the SDGs be achieved, and a more sustainable future be created for all.

To find out more about how The Sustainability Academy can help your business or school play its part in implementing the SDGs visit The Sustainability Academy website or reach out via Twitter @CosmoEducates


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