“Girl Rising is a groundbreaking film, directed by Academy Award nominee Richard Robbins, which tells the stories of 9 extraordinary girls from 9 countries, written by 9 celebrated writers and narrated by 9 renowned actresses. These girls face arranged marriages, child slavery and other heart-breaking injustices. Despite these obstacles, the brave girls offer hope and inspiration. Girl Rising showcases the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world. ”
With special guest:
Her Royal Highness Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands – UNESCO Special Envoy on Literacy for Development
Followed by a Q&A with:
- Ms. Karen Schroh – Global Partnership for Education
- Ms Marietje Schaake – Member of the European Parliament
- Véronique Lorenzo – Head of Unit, Health, Education, Research & Culture, EuropeAid
The film was organised in cooperation with the UNESCO Liaison Office and Representation to the EU.