Finland will re-commence funding UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. All four of the Nordic countries that suspended payments have now reversed their decision. Norway, on the other hand, never froze its funding.
Ville Tavior Minister for Foreign Trade and Development told a press conference Friday (22 March) that Finland had received assurances that UNRWA´s internal operations are being improved and strengthened.

Earlier this week Denmark joined Iceland and Sweden in reinstating its contributions to UNRWA. “For the time being there is no alternative to UNRWA,” said Dan Jørgensen Minister for Development Cooperation.
The four Nordic countries, were among 15 donor countries that suspended their contributions to UNRWA at the end of January following accusations against several UNRWA staff members of participation in the 7 October terrorist attacks on Israel.
No concrete evidence
UNRWA has still not seen any concrete evidence that any of their staff was involved in the attacks according to Jonathan Fowler, UNRWA’s senior communications manager. He pointed out in an interview with YLE, the Finnish Broadcasing Corporation that allegations had been raised against a fraction of UNRWA´s staff. “Donor countries have to take their own decision. However, we are talking about 12 people out of 30,000, or 0,04%.”