Finland and the United States were among 18 states that were elected to the U Human Rights Council yesterday (14 October). All 18 members will serve three‑year terms beginning on 1 January 2022.
Finland received 180 votes in the election held at the UN General Assembly in New York on 14 October. Together with Luxembourg and the United states, Finland was elected to the Council as a Member of the Western European and Others Group. Finland has previously been a Member of the Council for one year in 2006-2007 when it was established.
“Finland is prepared to assume responsibility and cooperate with different actors to ensure that human rights are not just empty words,“ says Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto.
„A well-functioning multilateral rules-based system and the realisation of human rights are the key to the wellbeing and security of Finnish society as well as to the promotion of global peace, security and sustainable development.“

Finland replaces Denmark as the only Nordic country in the Council.
The USA quit the Human Rights Council in 2018 under President Donald Trump accusing the body of hypocrisy and anti-Israel prejudice.
It was replaced by Iceland.
Created by the General Assembly in March 2006 as the principal United Nations entity dealing with human rights, the Council comprises 47 elected Member States.