This year’s Equator Prize will recognize innovative initiatives from local communities and Indigenous peoples that demonstrate exceptional achievements in nature-based solutions for local sustainable development. Winning initiatives will be honored for their successes in protecting, restoring and/or sustainably managing biodiversity for positive development outcomes.
Thematic priorities include:
- Action on Sustainable Food Systems
Protection, restoration and/or sustainable management of natural and agricultural ecosystems for food security.
- Action on Climate
Protection, restoration and/or sustainable management of ecosystems that help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and/or help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change.
- Action on Nature and Green Economy
Protection, restoration and/or sustainable management of terrestrial or marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and/or wildlife that enables sustainable and green livelihoods, enterprises, and jobs, including Indigenous economies.
Special consideration will be given to nominees working on ecosystem integrity and intactness, water security, disaster risk reduction, advocacy for land and water rights, social and environmental justice, and gender equality.
Nominations to the Equator Prize must be submitted by 10 May 2021, through the online nomination system. Learn more about the Equator Prize 2021, slection criteria and elegibility requirements here.
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